Linus Pauling: I don't think that it's right to say that I stumped Einstein. I gave a lecture on
the quantum mechanics of molecular structure. It was one of the first ones ever given
in this field because I got into the field very early. Einstein attended it, he attended
this seminar and after the seminar reporters, you know reporters following him around
everywhere, reporters asked him what he thought about what I said. And his answer
was that it was too complicated for him. I think that he didn't want to commit himself.
I talked with him in later years about problems of molecular quantum mechanics and
found that he had a good understanding of what was going on but he wasn't very much
interested in it because his interests were much more in the very fundamental, basic
ideas about the nature of the world.
Creator: Linus Pauling Associated: Albert Einstein Clip ID: 1977v.66-stumping
Full Work
Creator: Robert Richter, WGBH-Boston Associated: Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, David Shoemaker, E. Bright Wilson, Jr., Frank Catchpool