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Tipple, Esther Watson (Mrs. Albert Nelson Tipple), December 11, 1947.

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Mrs. Albert Nelson Tipple 36 Irving Street Cambridge 38, Mass. December 14, 1946 Dr. Albert Einstein c/ Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey It is reassuring to know that a group of thoughtful public-spirited atomic bomb scientists are undertaking to use financial strength to pull us through the dangers to our world from what was wrested from nature in our fear of destruction by world war II. I hope you get more than a million dollars in order to awaken the American public to our immediate danger of worse human destruction. Personally I cannot give to this work since I am putting all my money time and energy to what seems to me the positive aspect of what scientists discovered in splitting the atom. My father assisted Dr. Alexander Graham Bell to make the telephone when Prof. Bell was given leave of absence by Boston University to work on his peculiar notions. From my father, Dr. Thomas A Watson, I have knowledge of vibration which made me question current knowledge in acoustics when, after my husband's death due to World war I, I began to study Theory of Music at Boston University. Under the guidance of Dr. Frye of the Physics department and the late Dean Meyer of the College of Music of Boston University and Dr. Baravalle, head of the Mathematics department of Adelphi College, Garden City, New York, I have made discoveries in the relation of just intonation to the Pythagorean progression of fifths (quints). Since Henri Becquerel, the radiant energy thinker, appears to be the first modern natural scientist to have included the Pythagorean scale in his work on Sound, my mind has leaped to a connection between musical phenomena and nuclear energy. Experimental work with certain basic tuning forks, tuned by means of the stroboscope to harmonics based on 440 cycles per second, A above Middle C (International pitch 1939 London), and other tuning forks, tuned, by means of counting beats with a stop watch, to the fifty-three tone to the octave cycle discovered by Mercator and publicized by Sir James Jeans, has revealed tonal phenomena of combination tones which indicate another principle besides summation and difference. Two monographs of data have been privately printed from our findings, but inadequacy of scientific equipment and personnel have made us refrain from stating to the public what I believe we have discovered, namely, scientific evidence of the truth of a philosophic principle which my father enunciated in a privately printed pamphlet shortly before he died in 1934. This principle is harmonic-union-creation. To me, it is the reverse of atomic fission. It is, however, a scientific principle which would require for its certification the acknowledgment by scientists of those creative or intuitive aspects of human consciousness which

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