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Levine, Louis, May 28, 1947.

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[Letterhead: AIR MAIL] 28 May 1947 [side stamp: June 4 1947] Dear Mrs Ray [writer's script above: May 9 1947] Deeply - humbly - thankfully appreciate your very kind letter and most of the content therein is TRUTH - can do absolutely nothing with the characters - pardon the term but that is the only possible appellation possible to use it [illegible] would be better to use the names [wastifully? illegible] around here to open another laboratory for atomic research - everyone her though their education is limited "seem" to know the implications complications resultant from nuclear fission - back in the States none of them would receive more than forty dollars a week - out here they receive more than Professor Einstein - some of them to $18,000 a year - their ignorance intolerance-bias-prejudice-bigotry appalling - the Japanese are nothing but a burden to the American taxpayer such as yourself - your family - millions of others - all material herein is the TRUTH - God bless you and watch over you all Sincerely Louis Levine

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