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McLean, North, January 26, 1947.

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[LETTERHEAD: North McLean "Ashrama" Washington Connecticut] Venice, Florida, Jan.26 1947. Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc 90 Nassau St. Princeton, N.J. Dear Mr. Einstein: Your letter of January 20th and the pamphlet written by you and by Mr.C.Gauss were duly received and I found them intensely interesting. I enclose my wife's check for $5- and mine for $20- as a small contribution to your educational fund. Permit me to make some comments and suggestions in regard to your educational campaign. Your pamphlet is fine, but it would be read by only a very few people, a very small percentage of the people. Both the statement of the subject and the language used are away over the heads of the mass of people, who not only would not read your pamphlet, but who read practically nothing except headlines. Therefore, I think the miscellaneous distribution of this pamphlet would be waste effort. I suggest that you send it to the staff, professors and instructors of all our colleges and high schools, adding the suggestion that the professors might make opportunity to pass the ideas along to their students Some of the advertising agencies might be able to give you such a list. Then if you could get a list of the Directors of our large corporations, that would be a good field. Best of all, as an appeal to the masses, go to the "movies". If you could get some of the big men in Hollywood to help you get a "short" taking

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