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Kaufman, Charles J., July 4, 1946.

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compelled to try to communicate thru this letter to so effective and important a group of persons as yourselves that the humanistic attitude toward man can only be safeguarded adequately for man by a certain type of economic [illegible]. This economic [illegible] can (^ only) be built by the application of the principle of Rochdale Consumer Corporation. My plea to you and to Dr. Einstein is that you take out enough time from your busy lives to see if by the careful, critical study of these principles and the history of their application (since 1845) you may not recognize that despite everything we may do to try to build a humanistic society we will almost certainly fail unless (^in addition) we begin to apply those principles very soon. It seems to me that we are threatened by a rapidly growing fascism, which my over-whelm us all as it has recently overwhelmed Europe. I feel too that when history is studied critically by the truly scientific and logical biolojist and lay [illegible] the truth and importance of the above statements will be confirmed. You may have my very best wishes. Sincerely your, Charles J. Kaufman (over)

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