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Putnam, John B., April 19, 1948.


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April 19, 1948

Mr. Harold C. Urey, Vice Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 1126 East 59th St. Chicago 37, Ill.

Dear Mr. Urey:

  Judge Wilkin is away recuperating from a very serious sinous attack,  but we are all here much interested in the statement of your Emergency Committee released April 11. 
  Our program here,  as you know,  is based largely on facts and argument of your Committee's pronouncement.  
  We believe,  however,  that through a formula produced by the combined efforts of many practical leaders in this community,  we have produced a sounder end more practical formula for the effective accomplishment of the desired objective.   It eliminates, at least the vitally important,  initial stage,  the need for the secret negotiations which your Committee suggests but deplores.
 It is briefly outlined in the enclosed copy of letter from Paul Bellamy,  Editor of our Cleveland Plain Dealer,  to Senator Taft,  and the general approach and program of our movement here is outlined in the enclosed copy of a letter which Rabbi Brickner addressed some weeks ago to the two national Jewish church organizations and which is being used as a model by various of our trustees in similar appeals which will be made to the Mayors of all of the cities of the country by our Mayor,  to the Governors of the different states by our Republican Governor end Democratic Ex-Governor,  and to many other national organizations by their counterparts here when we start the trek of pledges in lots of 100,000 to the President,  then to Congress and then to Senator Austin at the United Nations.