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Weiss, Dr. Francis Joseph, March 3, 1947

Revision as of Apr 2, 2015 11:40:38 AM, created by

Dr. Francis Joseph Weiss, Special Research Consultant, Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. 5316 - 28th Street, N.W. Washington 15, D.C.

March third, 1947. 

Professor Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Room 28 - 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey.

Dear Professor Einstein:

  I feel greatly honored by your fine letter of February 28th,  and shall be glad to respond to the personal appeal you made to a humble scientific worker,  although my financial means are, l ike that of all of us,  very limited. 
  However,  if you think that I also could contribute in some other way for your cause,  please,  do not hesitate to call on me.   I will do all in my power to assist your Emergency Committee in the dissemination of knowledge among people and of better understanding among nations.   This is our duty and,  as you rightly remarked,  our inescapable responsibility. 
  For your information I may add that I am a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry and Physics and a Doctor of Political Economy in Economics and Statistics.   My special field of research is raw materials and resources.   I am a member of the Washington Association of Scientists,  the Washington Academy of Science,  the Am. Chemical Society,  the Am. Economic Society,  the Am. Statistical Association,  and a Fellow of the Am. Geographical Society. 
  With all my good wishes for your continued good health and stamina to carry out the enormous responsibilities you have taken upon yourself,  I remain with the expression of my profound regard for your person and your accomplishments, 
                       Your most respectfully, 
                       Dr. Francis Joseph Weiss 

Enclosed cheque of ten dollars

FJW : Bn