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Stech, Ernst O., March 11, 1947


Revision as of May 5, 2015 7:34:10 AM, edited by

                                                     MAR 23    RECD

Ernst 0. Stech 4168 W 227th St. Cleveland 16, Ohio

March 11th 1947

Professor Albert Einstein,

c/o Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 

90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

Dear Professor Einstein; 
  My sincere thanks for your important letter of Feb. 10th. 
  As a member of "United World Federalists" I fully understand the great importance of the educational task your committee has undertaken. 
  April last I attended a one-day World Government Institut at the campus of the University of Chicago and always will be grateful for the few hours I could listen to Dr. Urey,  Dr. Szilard,  Dr. Allison and their colleagues.   Since than,  for me -yesterday was thousand years ago-: 
  A few weeks ago I had the great pleasure to meet Dr. Frankl of the Princeton Institut at the World Government Congress in Asheville, N.C. in which I took part as an accredited delegate of the World Federalists of Ohio.  I came away from this convention with still higher spirits and new hope that the establishment of a world community based on law ("In the name of sanity" as Mr. Raymond Swing puts it) is still a possibility,  even though time is running out fast. 
  My contribution I mail with a separate letter to the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists.   In conclusion please permit me to send you "die herzlichsten Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag" and remain, 
              very sincerely yours, 
                Ernst O. Stech