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Kennedy, Robert P., March 20, 1947

Revision as of Sep 7, 2014 6:09:58 AM, edited by

ROBERT P. KENNEDY Knollwood Drive R.D. 1 Rochester, New York

20 March 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Princeton, New Jersey


Enclosed is a very small contribution to a worthy cause.

In the past, I worked under Dr. Warren, in the Manhattan Project (medical) and should continue my efforts but operation under the Army was too much of a wet blanket for research with any one my age. I am not able to be of very much financial aid but if there is anything else, I would be happy to make what contribution I can.

It occurs to me, that it might be a good research problem for a language department to translate such an article as "Is Einstein Right" into "grass root" language. As a start, I would find out which of the radio commentators appeal most to the farmers of the acrid west or what column they read in the paper or farm journal and then ask the advice of Mr. Wheeler McMillan all of which would serve as a starter for the publication of atomic energy information or attractive reading matter for a large group of people.

Another though. Is the time ripe to consider in connection with our flag ceremonies (school, scouts, etc.,) any formal respect to the U. N emblem?

Very respectfully

[/1s] / R.P. Kennedy