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McLeod, James C., No Date.

Revision as of Apr 13, 2015 9:28:25 PM
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Revision as of Apr 13, 2015 9:29:33 PM
edited by
Line 1: Line 1:
Now think entirely in terms of atomic bombs.  
Now think entirely in terms of atomic bombs.  
As we think in terms of atomic powers and atomic bombs we must now think in terms of world leadership and world government for the world requires a leadership as surely as a nation an army or a corporation requires a leadership.
As we think in terms of atomic powers and atomic bombs we must now think in terms of world leadership and world government for the world requires a leadership as surely as a nation an army or a corporation requires a leadership.
Prof. Einstein you were a leader in the development of atomic power which ushers in a new era of opportunity. I hereby am offering you the greatest opportunity that exists to be a leader in the establishment of new and advanced government and organization to control for human good atomic power and every advantage that does or may exist.

Revision as of Apr 13, 2015 9:29:33 PM