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Beshlich, Dean, May 5, 1947

Revision as of Jul 29, 2014 8:37:24 PM
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Revision as of Apr 6, 2015 1:33:00 AM
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137 Pope St
                                                                                                                                    137 Pope St
San Francisco, Calif.
                                                                                                                    San Francisco, Calif.
Mr. Albert Einstein
Mr. Albert Einstein
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists
Princeton N.J.
Princeton N.J.
Dear Sir: I am enclosing a small contribution to your fund, all I can afford at the present time. However, if you people publish a magazine or bulletins of information or have put out a book please send it to me or I will subscribe. Please send your letter of appeal for funds also to the following friends of mine who I am sure will be glad to contribute. Sincerely, Dean Beshlish
Dear Sir: I am enclosing a small contribution to your fund, all I can afford at the present time. However, if you people publish a magazine or bulletins of information or have put out a book please send it to me or I will [subscribe?]. Please send your letter of appeal for funds also to the following friends of mine who I am sure will be glad to contribute. Sincerely, Dean Beshlish
Send your payment letter to: Ms. [George F. Rawmules?]

Revision as of Apr 6, 2015 1:33:00 AM