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Fries, Donna C., January 6, 1947.

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Revision as of Nov 2, 2014 4:38:35 PM
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836 West Seminary Street Richland Center, Wisconsin, January 6 1947
836 West Seminary Street Richland Center, Wisconsin, January 6 1947
Albert Einstein Chairmain Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street, Princeton New Jersey
Albert Einstein Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street, Princeton New Jersey
Dear Sir:
Dear Sir:
I received your letter with its honest appeal early in December. I am certain you should not hesitate to ask the help of all Uncle Sam's citizens. I can't donate at this time, but I have passed your letter and the two articles on to a friend. She will contact other persons and we will both do what we can to awaken the citizens of this small town to what must be done in order to save ourselves from destruction. I am asking for another copy of your letter and of the articles Please send copies too, to the following addresses:
I received your letter with its honest appeal early in December. I am certain you should not hesitate to ask the help of all Uncle Sam's citizens. I can't donate at this time, but I have passed your letter and the two articles on to a friend. She will contact other persons and we will both do what we can to awaken the citizens of this small town to what must be done in order to save ourselves from destruction. I am asking for another copy of your letter and of the articles Please send copies too, to the following addresses:
1. Miss Margaret Barnes - 231 W. Whiting Fullerton California 2. Lt. Col. R. M. McGlinn - Box 254 Williams Field, Arizona 3. Mr. + Mrs. A. F. Roach - 3715 Government Street Baton Rouge Louisiana
1. Miss Margaret Barnes - 231 W. Whiting Fullerton California 2. Lt. Col. R. M. McGlinn - Box 254 Williams Field, Arizona 3. Mr. + Mrs. A. F. Roach - 3715 Government Street Baton Rouge Louisiana

Revision as of Nov 2, 2014 4:38:35 PM