Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of an animal caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward as a young boy, seated outdoors on a wooden chair. Annotated: "Roger at the Stearns Farm, about 6 yrs. 'For a boy's will is the wind's will, and the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.'"
Black and white photograph of Pauline Gilferd and Roger Hayward, seated with sketchbooks in their laps. Standing behind Gilferd and Hayward are a number of observers.
Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward demonstrating the use of a military machine gun. Captioned: "Three Vector Sight-Port Waist Gun. Forward side view, showing extreme position, gun depressed and aimed aft. Mt. Wilson Observatory - Pasadena,…