Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of a human caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of an animal caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of a human caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of an animal caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of an animal caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of an animal caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of a human caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.
Pastel drawing by Roger Hayward of a human caricature, part of a series that was published as "Digititiums" in The Worm Runner's Digest. 5.5 in. x 7 in.