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Marie Davis Oral History Interview

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Marie Davis Oral History Interview


In this interview, Ellen “Marie” Davis reflects on her life in Oregon, discussing her memories of the Great Depression and World War II, her love of nature, and her family life. The conversation begins with Davis describing her life growing up in Kings Valley. She states that she was the youngest of four siblings and was raised by her mother after her father passed away when she was six months old. Davis recalls that her mother ran a boarding house to earn a living after her father died, and that she also sold food, cooked, and provided laundry services for lodgers. She also shares memories of their family home near the Whispering Pines Scout area, engaging in activities like fishing, berry picking, and raising animals.

Davis then discusses her school years, her love of acting in plays, and her involvement in community activities. She describes meeting her future husband, Willard Davis, in high school, explaining that they married shortly after graduating and lived in different places in Kings Valley From there, Davis shares anecdotes about the neighbors she’s had throughout her life, interactions with her children, and changes brought about by electricity and the advancement of technology. Davis also reflects on family dynamics, noting that she is close with all her children, and discusses the paths that her children took through life. She concludes with thoughts on her husband's passing, and the gratitude that she feels for the support and love her children have given her.

Ellen “Marie” Davis was born in 1924 in Kings Valley, Oregon. She married Willard Davis, a full-time logger, in 1941, and worked as a bus driver and custodian for the Blodgett School for seventeen years. From 1970-1985, Marie and Willard also served as co-managers of the Benton County Fair. The mother of four, Marie passed away in 2016.


Marie Davis


Starker Forests Community Oral History Collection (OH 038)


Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries


January 8, 2008


Gary Blanchard


Born Digital Video




Oral History



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Gary Blanchard


Marie Davis


Davis residence, Nashville [?], Oregon

Original Format

Born Digital Video



OHMS Object

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