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Sophorn Cheang Oral History Interview (1 of 2)

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Sophorn Cheang Oral History Interview (1 of 2)


To begin this interview, Cheang first discusses her family in Cambodia, going to college in Oregon, and the motivations for such a decision. She first became involved with IRCO through a class that the Asian Family Center (AFC) had held. She then discusses her involvement with Engage which is a diversity and civic leadership program and her previous time as a board member. The interview continues on this line of thought and touches upon what Cheang's current position entails, what services AFC provides its community, and what funding that requires. Programing related to the local community and the leadership roles therein is explained, setting the stage for information regarding outreach within the community and the recommendations she has for the future of the organization. Shifting away from the Asian Family Center, Cheang speaks about her work with the Golden Leaf Education Foundation, its establishment, the fundraising involved, how that money is being used in Cambodia to build schools, and her visits to said schools. To close, Cheang relays advice that was once given to her in order to be successful.

Sophorn Cheang was born in the capital city of Cambodia in 1980, to Cambodian parents; therefore, she self-identifies as Cambodian-American. Cheang was raised in Cambodia until she was 19 when she moved to Oregon to attend, first, Mount Hood Community College and then Portland State University to earn an associate's degree in banking and another degree in finance. Because her aunt and uncle were already living in Gresham, Oregon, they sponsored her to attend school; her parents have since moved to the United States. First getting involved with the Asian Family Center in 2010, Cheang joined the advisory board in early 2011; she then became the chair of the advisory board until she quit that position to pursue the operating side of the non-profit organization. She currently works as the community health and leadership development manager where she both oversees the programs that work closely with the organization's health programs and manages the budget.


Sophorn Cheang


Asian Family Center Oral History Collection


Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries


September 11, 2014


Natalia Fernández


Born Digital




Oral History



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Natalia Fernández


Sophorn Cheang


Portland, Oregon

Original Format

Born Digital



OHMS Object

Interview Format


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