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Transported Mexican National sugar beet worker.

Strawberry VFV platoon working under the direction of leader, standing left.

Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Worley from Longview, Washington picking hops at the Mitoma Hop Yard near Independence. He is a Texan; she is a Minnesotan. He was a Marine Private during the war and saw service at Bremerton, Washington. Now, he is a second…

Portland Victory Farm Volunteer raspberry picking platoon at lunch at a farm near Troutdale, Oregon.

The three men dumping tipped beans in the machine here are Harold Moell, National Bisquit Company, C.J. Simmons, Pacific Motor Trucking Official and D.W. Clemets, lumber grader.

A group of Corvallis High School students, about 80 strong, gather at the high school entrance ready to be taken to Benton County beet fields.

The two men on the bean tippers are H.H. Hughes, SP locomotive engineer, and and Walter Sorenson, sawyer in the Springfield Plywood mill.