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Encloses checks from herself and from her Women's Club; recommends sending an appeal to each Women's Club Chairman of International Affairs;

Donation; states she was conflicted about donating, as it was the scientists who created the bomb, and now are feeling the effects of their actions

Donation; expresses concern that he has seen no educational materials published by ECAS yet; requests literature for students and staff at his school

Encloses list of names; states that he will send a contribution in a few weeks when he is able

References having sent a photograph of an oil painting he did; expresses that his painting should be displayed by the committee to solicit funds

Says that he cannot contribute financially but will popularize the program among the student body; asks for literature

Donation in response to radio appeal

Cannot contribute because he already gave $5,000 towards making a short educational film under auspices of ECAS; wants to know what is being done to promote the film and suggests involving someone familiar with film industry