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Donation. Expresses support for committee based upon Einstein's article "Atomic War or Peace." States there is support among her generation for creation of a world organization.

Donation. Requests additional copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"

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Asks if enough people understand the importance of the committee. Donates again, and pledges ten dollars per quarter year.

Second donation, reemphasizes his past letters.

Third donation, wishes to thank Dean Gauss in person.

Donation. Asks if they could be of assistance, as he and his wife publish "The Western Farm Leader." They also enclosed a list of names for the committee to contact.

Donation, wishes the donation was larger. Explains he is trying to spread the committee's message to garner more donations.

Worries that the human race does not have the wisdom to wield the knowledge that atomic research provides. Includes a poem.

Explains he graduated from Princeton and met Mr. Einstein 10 years prior to this letter. Donation, explains the donation will be larger when he sells his Stradivari.