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In this interview Ava B. Milam Clark provides insights into the early days of Oregon Agricultural College, now Oregon State University, and the establishment of its School of Home Economics. Clark, who joined the college in 1911, recounts her…

In this interview, Richard and Dorothy Gassner discuss their respective upbringings in rural Oregon, their marriage, and their reflections on how the world has changed since they were children. Richard briefly discusses his experience attending a…

In this interview, Jean Starker Roth and other Corvallis residents (Gary Blanchard, Marlene Blanchard, Dick Powell and Bond Starker) discuss their ties to the city and their favorite memories of it. The group begins by discussing their memories of…

In this interview, Jean Starker Roth discusses her early life and childhood experiences growing up in Corvallis, Oregon. She explains how her parents decided to settle in Corvallis, noting that her father, T.J. Starker, was a professor at Oregon…

In this interview, Mike and Jane Newton discuss their extensive experience in tree farming and land management. They also recount the experience of transforming their property, initially purchased in 1962, into a thriving forest ecosystem. In this,…

This interview features Mike Newton discussing various aspects of forestry management, reforestation, and vegetation control. At the start of the interview, Newton introduces himself as a retired professor from Oregon State University with a…

In this video, set on Johnson Creek, Thad Springer describes salmon behavior during the spawning process. The film begins with Springer discussing the appearance and interactions of male and female salmon in the creek. He explains the dominance…

In the interview, Mansour describes her upbringing in Beaverton, Oregon where she attended the International School of Beaverton. She then discusses her trials and triumphs in high school and how they have formed her into the person she is today. She…

In her interview, Josie Clark discusses her childhood and how she bounced around between the South and Oregon, always following her dad’s jobs, before settling in the Pacific Northwest. Due to this seemingly constant cycle of being the new kid at…

The interview opens with a question asking Susan to describe growing up in Portland. Portland was a much smaller place at the time, and Susan stayed home until kindergarten and then grew up going to Catholic schools. She made friends and has had…