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Thanks for literature; requests to subscribe to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists to use in it in his Introductory Sociology course; donation

Donation; requests as many pamphlets as possible for distribution

Apologizes for delay in donation; expresses agreement with ideas in Einstein's letter

Donation; lost a son in the last war and feels that there will be more victims unless a road to a permanent peace is found; includes list of names and request for literature to share with high school classes

Donation; was heartened to read the McMahon Bill unanimously passed

Donation with request for literature (for distribution and for the library's collection); wants to exchange snapshots with Einstein and encloses a photo

Photo of Keith with inscription "To Dr. Einstein our ideal in science"

Thanks for donation; expresses strong support in the work of ECAS; offers to do things such as writing pamphlets and conducting seminars

Suggests ways to educate people without seeking contributions, including soliciting free help from printers, paper companies, and writers; also recommends asking for subscription lists to magazines and offers her services as a writer

Encloses articles for use in campaign and feels she is responsible for the world in which her children may survive