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Dexter, Mrs. Elliott, June 16, 1948.
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COPY June 16, 1948 Telegram to:
Representative Karl Mundt Representative Richard Nixon Secretary of State George Marshall
The Los Angeles Times of June 15th carries a front page story date lined Washington, D.C., June 14, that the Russians have launched a large scale campaign to win over key American officials abroad by the use of sex as an implement of Russian policy. The article then cites the Bucar, Biconish and McMillin cases. And so the Russians have gotten the jump on us again. Apparently the Soviets have discovered the Achilles heel of Capitalism - sex. What is there about the Russians that makes them immune to a similar campaign by the United States. Can it be that we have been all this time overlooking a simple way of getting beyond the iron curtain? Has capitalism so changed our people that they are no longer physically attractive to people living under communism? Surely, we would not be above fighting back with the same weapons. The Mundt-Nixon Bill should immediately be amended to safeguard us against this latest Russian menace by making it an indictable offense for any American to entertain a biological urge toward any known or suspected communist -- a communist being defined as any person of the opposite sex likely to attract such American. The law should also have a proviso that all representatives of this country abroad must submit satisfactory evidence of impotence or undergo surgery to make this threat to security extinct. I thought this advice might be helpful to you.
Mrs. Elliott Dexter 5035 Louise Avenue, Encino, Calif.