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Hole, Francis D., February 17, 1947.

Revision as of Sep 16, 2014 4:04:56 PM
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Revision as of Sep 16, 2014 4:05:29 PM
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is punished in the United States more severely than most crimes, (5 year sentences were given the great conscientious objectors of this country.)
is punished in the United States more severely than most crimes, (5 year sentences were given the great conscientious objectors of this country.)
May I hear from you, acknowledging receipt of the enclosed dollar, and giving me your mature judgement on this whole matter? What act will touch the consciences of people all over the world and precipitate a demand for peace as strong as "patriotic" hysteria for war has been? Ought we not work from <u>inside</uZ people (appeal to conscience as Gandhi does) rather than on the <u>outside</u> of people (international police, etc.)?
May I hear from you, acknowledging receipt of the enclosed dollar, and giving me your mature judgement on this whole matter? What act will touch the consciences of people all over the world and precipitate a demand for peace as strong as "patriotic" hysteria for war has been? Ought we not work from <u>inside</u> people (appeal to conscience as Gandhi does) rather than on the <u>outside</u> of people (international police, etc.)?
Francis D. Hole

Revision as of Sep 16, 2014 4:05:29 PM