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Frank Ballard stopping for a break while touring farms.

A young boy operates a tractor during the WWII labor shortage in Polk County, ca 1942.

Howard Cushman showing wheat that used Nitrogen and some that didn't, Gilliam County.

Benton County Extension service Master Food Preservers provide information at the Corvallis Wednesday Farmers Market at the corner of Fourth and Van Buren

F. L. Ballard, County Agent inspects field of alfalfa

Home-made crop duster on car. Jackson County, ca. 1936

Crew taking a break from picking in a comice orchard, 1918.

Extension pathologist working in his laboratory, Jackson County.

Knappa Bee Club meeting with Herman Ahlers, Club leader from the Clatsop Annual Report, 1923.

County agent H. G. Avery; D. E. Stephens, superintendent of the Moro Branch Experiment Station, and Jack Gorham, North Powder farmer, examining mixture in a field of Federation wheat near the North Powder community.