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Farm Electrification Exhibit shows De Laval Milker and other equipment.

The portable community cannery was sponsored by Josephine County Granges and the OSC Extension Service.

Silo demonstration tour in Yamhill County

C. S. Brewster demonstrating poultry culling.

Professor A. W. Oliver, Oregon State College, is showing a group of Polk County farm people how to get the professional butcher shop cuts out of a lamb carcass in a demonstration sponsored by the Extension Service.

4-H club members leave Powers on Speeders furnished by Albert Powers and lumber companies to visit cattle ranches owned by Mr. Powers and Ellis Dement.

Crowd gathers with Rogue River Valley Band at Central Point, Oregon.

Interior of the extension demonstration train's poultry car, 1920.

Mobile kitchen, part of the Extension Service's Farm Electrification Exhibit.

Photo shows the short course students and some of the tractors which were used in the one month and three month tractor courses offered by the Extension Service.
Photo shows the interior of the Farm Mechanics Building, ca 1910s.