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Discusses "Mits, Wits and Logic"; donation

Requests copies of "The Last Hour Before Midnight" to distribute at upcoming meeting of the Minnesota Education Association; donation

Requests pamphlets for distribution; donation

Donation to fulfill pledge at Condon dinner

Expresses admiration for Einstein's wisdom, but denounces scientists for "their fiendish interest in creating damnable instruments for hellish purposes"; donation

Donation; requests additional literature; shares that his wife wrote a paper on the subject fo her social service club

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Donation; expresses desire to avoid atomic war; suggests committee work towards transparent diplomacy and to remove all financial gain from war

Donation; remarks that in order for atomic control, there also needs to be economic control of world resources and standards of living

Donation, shares that he will be visiting Georgia and Florida and requests copies of literature for distribution

States he felt compelled to donate after reading the article in the Herald-Tribune; encloses a letter he received; offers his publicity services to ECAS