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Donation; gives list of addresses to send pamphlets to

Shares appreciation for receiving thre appeal; states opinions about the political situation in Russia

Donation of proceeds from sale of Defense Bond; states that this bond, and in the future his other defense bonds, shall be contributed to the ECAS for the "attempted defense of civilization"

Donation. Offers to be called upon again for additional contributions.

Donation. Requests copies of program statement.

Donation. Regrets delay in contribution and expresses support for committee's work to educate American people.

Donation. Encloses list of friends as potential contibutors. Expresses support for committee's work on atomic energy education.

Donation. Expresses concerns over future generations. Wonders how the use of atom bombs can be stopped, or if it is possible to "destroy the secret of the atom bomb altogther?"

Donation. Asks to recieve information on progress of ECAS work.