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Black and white photograph of an illustration by Roger Hayward advertising "First Architectural Society Smoker, Prof. C. Howard Walker Will Speak." The illustration depicts a well-dressed man slouching in a chair, holding a glass and cigarette.

Newspaper clipping titled "Sardonic Strands - Mask of Tragedy, As Interpreted by the Modern Stage" as published in the Boston Evening Transcript.

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward wearing a Naval uniform.

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward wearing a Naval uniform.

Watercolor painting by Roger Hayward of military barracks. Annotated: "Painted these Barracks on Bumpkin Is[land], Boston Harbor, September 1917". 5 in. x 4 in.

Black and white group portrait of several men, including Roger Hayward. Annotated: "Volunteers for service in the World War, April 6, 1917".

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward wearing a Naval uniform.

Sepia-tone studio portrait of Roger Hayward as a high school senior.

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward wearing a Naval uniform.

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward, age 8 months.