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Image of Mary Julia Ledlie McDonald.

Tarzan and the Leopard Men, Sword of Mars, The Oakdale Affair & The Rider, Back to the Stone Age, Tarzan and the Forbidden City, The Lad and the Lion, Carson of Venus.
Seven first edition publications.

Face of a clay tablet inscribed with records from ancient Babylonia.

Side of a clay tablet inscribed with records from ancient Babylonia.

Face of a clay tablet inscribed with records from ancient Sumeria.

"37 sheep and goats from 12 named Amorites from the town of BÀD and 7 sheep and goats from 3 named Sumerian officials delivered to Abbasaga who expended them for various unnamed…

Face of a clay tablet inscribed with records from ancient Sumeria.

"37 sheep and goats from 12 named Amorites from the town of BÀD and 7 sheep and goats from 3 named Sumerian officials delivered to Abbasaga who expended them for various unnamed…

Edge of a clay tablet inscribed with records from ancient Sumeria.

"37 sheep and goats from 12 named Amorites from the town of BÀD and 7 sheep and goats from 3 named Sumerian officials delivered to Abbasaga who expended them for various unnamed…

Manuscript page containing a recipe for Read's Tonic, a homemade remedy "for dyspepsia, weakness of stomach and bowels, or for general utility..."