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Tyng, Constance D., March 13, 1947.

Revision as of Apr 21, 2015 1:39:45 PM, created by

                                                        MAR 14   RECD

March 13th 1947 Miss Constance D. Tyng 44 Wilder Street, Elizabeth, N.J.

My dear Professor Einstein -

  It is with appreciation & thanks that I acknowledge receipt of your appeal for contributions to an educational fund to be used in arousing the citizens of this country ot a realization of the catastrophe which faces us in the near future.-
  In spit of strong objections to the Russian methods, psychology & principles of government, do you think, in order to make some progress toward an atomic energy agreement, that we should amend our Atomic Energy Commission plan to a point where the Russians will co-operate - I feel that conditions facing the Soviet Government are changing all the time like everything else & that if we can gain time by a compromise now, the whole situation in Europe & rest of the World may shift enough to educate the Russians further along co-operative & economic lines - I regret beyond words that my contribution has to be so small, as I would like to contribute the whole million -
       Very truly yours-
     Constance Dudley Tyng