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Davis, Paul R., July 19, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 18, 2014 8:12:28 AM, created by

Jul 22 Recv

Gulf Airways, Inc. Telephone Magnolia 6813 Room 302, Balter Building New Orleans 12, Louisiana July 19, 1947

Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Commitee of Atomic Scientists, Inc. Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N. J.

Dear Mr. Einstein:

Thank you for your letter of June 9th advising of the work your committee is undertaking in spreading the simple facts of atomic energy and their implications for society. I am enclosing my check for $100 to be used in this work. I sincerely regret my inability to send more money for this all-important project which is the responsibility of you and your associates. Very truly yours [signature] Paul R. Davis President


Encl PRD/m

Schedules routes pending approval civil aeronautics board