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Cook, Ray Vera, July 30, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 2:11:50 PM, created by

11 Montgomery Place

Brooklyn, 15, N Y

July 30, 1947

Dr. Harold C Urey

Room 28,

90 Nassau Street

Princeton, N J

Dear Dr. Urey:

I have postponed responding to your letter of June 25, 1947 in order to avail myself of the opportunity of becoming acquainted with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and I concur with you that it is a "Uniquely valuable" experience to become one of its readers. Thank you very much for including me in the list of regular enthusiasts.

In view of the belief that "we the people" must join in spreading the truth, in whatever form it takes, and share in the expense of spreading that truth, I enclose a small check as evidence of my good fain in standing firmly behind those who are making such a valiant effort to understand and be understood.

Believing that you will be interested in other movements that have as their basic reason for existence the freedom of the individual I am enclosing a statement of the Equality of Rights Movement which, though in its early stages, we have faith that it will develop into and infant prodigy. It would be very helpful to know how this idea reacts to others outside our immediate group, which is so earnestly working for the unfoldment of the individual which we believe can only be accomplished through a truly democratic form of government.

Sincerely yours,

Ray Vera Cook