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Tyler Hogan Oral History Interview, June 3, 2013

Oregon State University
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NF: My name is Natalia Fernández, I am the Oregon Multicultural Librarian, a staff member with OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center. Today’s date is June 3rd, 2013, and I am interviewing Tyler Hogan, a staff member of the Native American Longhouse at Oregon State University. So we’ll begin with some basic interview questions. If you could state your name and spell it out loud.

TH: My name is Tyler Hogan. T-Y-L-E-R H-O-G-A-N.

NF: And what is your hometown or where do you consider home?

TH: I consider my hometown to be Junction City, Oregon.

NF: And what is your age, year in school, and major?

TH: I’m 23 years old, I’m a senior, and I’m majoring in political science, with a pre-law option.

NF: And are you affiliated with a particular tribe or tribes?

TH: I’m enrolled with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.

NF: This next set of questions will be about your work at the NAL. What is your position at the Longhouse, what do you do, and how many years have you worked there?


TH: I’m currently the External Coordinator of the Native American Longhouse. That means that I oversee all of the events, all of the activities, all of the community outreach, and all of the cultural outreach to the tribes within the Longhouse. I’ve been doing it for the past two years. I also supervise the activities coordinators and the publication coordinator, and the community outreach coordinator.

NF: Have you worked for any of the other cultural centers?

TH: I have not. The Longhouse is my first one.

NF: So why did you decide to work for the Longhouse?

TH: I was actually working in ASOSU for a few years directing government relations, and then I was working for Oregon State’s government relations office under Jacques Mills [spelling?] when I was approached by Victoria Nguyen and she mentioned that they needed an external coordinator to handle all of their events in the cultural and community outreach here within the Longhouse. I had kind of a surprise interview. I thought I was just meeting the new GTAs 00:02:00because I volunteered at the Longhouse for a while, and also that same year sat on the Board of Directors for the United States Student Association as the Chair of the First Peoples Caucus on the Board of Directors. She knew about that about that and the work I had done with USSA as well as sitting on the Board of Directors for OSA at the time, and reached out to me. My lunch turned into a surprise interview and then next thing I know, I was here.

NF: So you volunteered for the Longhouse during your sophomore year?

TH: Yeah, my freshman and sophomore year I volunteered here. I came here actually pretty much immediately. The first thing I sought out. I was only planning on being here for a year, so I was kind of looking for things to do in that year I was going to be here. The first thing I sought out was the federal and state relations program in ASOSU. I knew I wanted to major in political science and I had an interest in government and politics, so I was online looking at that. Then I drove up here because the small town I’m from is just 00:03:00thirty minutes away. So I drove up and was touring the campus, found the Longhouse, had read something about the Longhouse online, but couldn’t really find it because it was in this tiny little Quonset Hut. Eventually I stumbled in, where I believe I met Matt [spelling?], who is now an alumni of this center and has been our MC for the past couple of years for our annual salmon bake. Just starting volunteering and hanging out from there. I did most of my homework in there. I met a lot of great people. Unfortunately I didn’t apply, because at that time I had already been working ASOSU, working on legislative and vote issues.

NF: And when you were a volunteer did you just help out as needed? Did you do any special projects?

TH: I helped out mostly just with events when they needed people to be there, helped out with the camas dig each year. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make the Salmon Bake the first couple of years because I was in D.C. leading the ASOSU lobby trip. But I also worked on a few small projects creating displays 00:04:00and things for the center with some of the staff members, worked on a Cherokee language program that we tried with one of the staff members for a little while because my grandmother, and kind of my grandfather as well, is one of those people that can still kind of speak our native language. I was hoping to learn pieces from them, but also hoping to do my own research and try and learn a little bit of my own language while I was here.

NF: Great. So in terms of when you began your position as External Coordinator, were your hopes expectations for your work matched, surpassed, not matched?

TH: I don’t know if they were matched, surpassed, or not matched. It was different than what I had expected, that was for sure. Coming from a government relations background and a large student organizations background, I wasn’t really sure what the dynamics of the center and the staff would look like, how center functions ran, because I had never actually worked here, I had only 00:05:00volunteered here. And then when you’re kind of thrown into a leadership position as one of the external or internal coordinators here, it’s kind of sink or swim. So the first few weeks was just basically trying to gather my bearings and figure out what is going to be the most successful, positive way I can handle or manage this situation. So I don’t think that my expectations - it wasn’t that they weren’t met - it was just that they were different. But it was a really great opportunity and a fun learning experience. I think that I grew a lot, particularly as a student leader and as a supervisor, learning how to supervise in different ways, learning how to co-facilitate in different ways.

NF: So you have a lot of years that you could draw from. Can you describe the projects, events, activities that were especially meaningful to you? And this could be either from your two years as external coordinator or even your 00:06:00volunteer time. Anything come to mind?

TH: Yeah, definitely. I would say that the biggest one is the Salmon Bake. Obviously, it’s the biggest event that the Longhouse puts on each year. But also the importance of the event, and what it really means for not only the campus community, but all of the tribes that we work with throughout the year. One of the things that I really wanted to do my first year was make sure that we had strong outreach to the tribes and they knew that if they had students within their tribes that are interested in Oregon State at all, that we’re a resource for them, they have someone they can talk to, they know our phone number, they know our Facebook page, things like that. So building those relationships was really cool, and that led into the Salmon Bake. When you go and I wrote up donation request letters similar to when I had written grant funding for asking for salmon donations so that we could actually put on our Salmon bake.

It was a really cool opportunity because I had already met with a lot of the tribal leaders. It was just really cool to see the exchange that takes place 00:07:00when it’s a group of people that really, really care about the organization and the work we are doing here. And that was something that really just stuck out to me: when you saw how much some of these tribal leaders - who maybe some of them had never even been to the Oregon State campus before - but just the fact that someone would reach out and talk to them and say, “Hey look, if you’ve got a student that would like to come here, we are a resource for you.” That meant so much that when it came time for salmon donations this year and last year, they were really willing. But also if they weren’t able to donate, like last year was a really difficult year for a lot of the tribes as far as how well the fishing season went and just climbing out of the recession, it wasn’t as easy for certain tribes to give or donate for the Salmon bake. But just their willingness to say, “Hey, anything else we can help you out with, let us know. If you need people, we can send people up there or down there or whatever.” They just really wanted to be involved, and that was cool.


I don’t think that you can really get that type of experience, particularly with the tribe, anywhere else. Especially as an undergrad student employee, it’s a really unique opportunity that meant a lot to me. Especially when you’re getting to meet these middle school and high school aged students that are like, “Hey, I really want to be a Beaver. I’m really interested.” Kids talk about Jacoby Ellsbury and stuff like that. You know, a famous native athlete here at Oregon State. Then get them talking about the Longhouse, and it was just a really wonderful experience.

NF: Any Heritage Month events that you can think of that were meaningful to you? I know there were a lot.

TH: Yeah, there’s so many of them that it gets kind of difficult. There was a code-talkers event, just because we were getting to share some of the history of native people and how they’ve shaped our country in ways that people often times don’t necessarily see, or don’t really remember. There was also an event that I put on around the LGBTQIA and Two Spirit communities within native 00:09:00culture. It worked out well, because it was around the same time that a video and article in Indian Country Today came out basically talking about the Two Spirit experience with the native people in the Pacific Northwest, which was sponsored by the Siletz tribe which was really cool.

So they have a tribal resource kit for people to use. Really, it’s a huge packet, there’s a ton of resources for tribes, for universities, for nonprofits, for families, for individuals. Really whatever you need, it’s this really cool, comprehensive resource packet. We got to put on that, and collaborated with some of the other, like with the Pride Center and with ASOSU’s Queer Affairs Task Force, in order to bring as many people there as possible and share those resources. But really just share those stories and voices of those native people who have identified as Two Spirit or some who didn’t know that that was a way that they could identify until an elder or 00:10:00traditional knowledge keeper shared that with them.

NF: Great. So you mentioned this a little bit in terms of when you first started your position as External coordinator, but what have been your challenges working at the Longhouse, and how have you overcome them?

TH: I think that when you first jump into a new position with a new organization even if you’ve volunteered for a while, there’s always going to be challenges to just trying to figure out the lay of the land, for lack of a better term. But that kind of smooths over pretty quickly, and you just get to jump straight into business, especially with Heritage Month being in November for us, you kind of have to jump right into it. So I don’t think that was too much of a challenge as much as it just was a cool learning opportunity and an opportunity for growth.

I think some of the challenges though that definitely we faced here at the NAL is kind of the intersectionality, the intersecting of various identities, and how we come together as a staff and as people of many different backgrounds - some of us native, some of us non-native, hardly any of us from the same tribe - 00:11:00and try and share pieces or aspects of our culture to the rest of the Corvallis community and explain to them why it’s important that why we keep these pieces of our culture, or why it’s important that we practice these traditions, or we respect these certain ways or customs here on our campus.

It’s difficult because we all have different traditions; we all have different cultures, so trying to find a way to get a unified message out of our 500 tribes is difficult. I think the other thing is just a lack of awareness on our campus - letting people know that we’re here, we exist, we’re doing some really cool work engaging our community, and we’re offering cool resources for our students, and great fun events for families and the rest of the Corvallis community. But letting people know we’re here and we exist and we’re trying to do something positive and make some change here.

NF: So what do you consider your successes working at the Longhouse? And this could be both professional or personal.


TH: I think personally I think I was able to chill out a little bit, which was really good for me at the time. I was a little too, or definitely too “Type A”. I really needed to find a place that I could chill out a little bit, learn some new management styles, learn some new co-facilitation techniques, and just a way to be a better overall employee and supervisor by calming down a little bit and not worrying quite as much. But I think as far as professional successes we had this past year, one of my main things that I do each year is I pretty much plan the Salmon Bake. And so this was the biggest Salmon Bake, at least from what I’ve seen, the biggest Salmon Bake that the NAL has ever had.

There were over 2,000 people, over 500 pounds of salmon, we had a drum team, we had six traditional fancy dancers, so to me that meant a lot. My little brother 00:13:00and my dad got to come up, so that was pretty cool too that they got to see that. But for me, that was a really big deal because last year, every year you want to make that event bigger. Last year we had around 1,000 people, and I was pretty happy with that, my goal was 1,200 this year, so hitting that 2,000 mark, I was really excited about that. I also brought Sam McCracken, who is the general manger of Nike N7 to campus, and had the biggest collegiate event that Nike N7 has ever had in their ten years. So we beat out U of O, and Duke, and some other larger schools, so that was pretty cool.

NF: So what have been your interactions with staff from the other cultural centers?

TH: The first interactions that you really have would be the very beginning of the year with all staff training, or all staff retreat. They’re usually always really positive. It’s just kind of sharing our own identities and our own cultures, and just getting to know people the way that any college student is going to get to know someone. But you get to do it in a way that’s really unique, because you are a student leader, and you know what you’re doing, you 00:14:00know you have a purpose. It’s not just like if you’re a college student and you just meet someone on the sidewalk, or at a party, or out playing catch, or at the park or whatever, you randomly bump into people.

When you meet people that have a passion for what they’re doing, and they have a purpose, and they know that when they’re in these positions that they have a higher standard that they are called to, and they know that when they’re working for these centers that they have the ability and the opportunity to enact real positive change on our campus. It’s a really unique way to meet people and to just have a conversation with someone, when everyone thinks that way. You just get some really cool, wild, innovative, brilliant conversations about, “Hey, let’s change the world. You know, let’s change our campus. What can we do to make our centers better? What can we do to build our communities? What types of additional resources can we add? What types of fun campaigns can we run together, what types of events can we put on together?” Things like that. Those interactions are really unique. They’re really fun, 00:15:00and really cool.

NF: So these next couple questions are about the new Longhouse. Considering that you’ve been a part of the Longhouse for the past four years now, were you a part of the design process for the new building?

TH: Yes and no. I was on the building planning committee, but the committee was going for almost I think ten years now. I guess off and on for ten years now. So definitely not a part of the original planning committee, but I was able to be a part of the more recent stuff. The work on setting up these two office spaces in here, and some of the equipment that we have in here. I was able to be a part of that part of the planning committee, but not necessarily the really cool parts where they picked the type of material to use or the single pitch roof, some of the really cool aspects of the Longhouse that were developed by people long before I got here.

NF: And was that something that you volunteered or did select you?


TH: It was a combination of both. It’s kind of expected as an External Coordinator that that’s something you’ll work on, just because that’s kind of in our job description. Pretty much anything that has to do with anything external within the center you work on. So it was kind of just expected. But I was also really excited to be a part of that and to be able to do whatever I could to help the process go more smoothly, but also make sure that we were providing student input, because students basically pay the mortgage on the building. So there was student input going into the actual building during the planning process.

NF: So you solicited student input from the current staff? Or just external students?

TH: From the current staff, from external students, from old staff who got on Facebook and asked other staff like, “Hey, do you have any inputs, insight into this?” I called people and said, “Hey, if you’re ever on campus during these months, let us know. We’d love to be able to hear from you about what you’d like to see.” I’d also been a part of the building committee 00:17:00for the SCC before, so I have a little bit of experience in that, so I’ve tried to take a little bit of that knowledge and experience and bring it into the current planning process for the Longhouse.

NF: So what does the new Longhouse mean to you?

TH: It means so much to me. I think the biggest thing is the opportunity that it’s going to provide to native students on our campus and for our community here. It’s a beacon to the rest of campus that native students are here and that we have a presence. To have a building this big and beautiful, right in the middle of campus is a pretty big statement, I think. It’s a statement that kind of shows the commitment that the university has made to acknowledging their respect for native students on campus and the native community here. And especially those students who spent thirty-five years in a temporary building, 00:18:00and how long they’ve fought, and how hard they’ve fought to get into this place.

How many tears and sleepless nights, and long work weeks went into just trying to get this place built - it’s in their honor, but also for all of those other students on the reservations and off the reservation, like the urban Indian population that’s looking for a place to go, that want to find a strong community at home so they don’t feel lost or alone when they get to campus, they can now come to campus and see this. This is one of the first things you see. I think that’s a really cool opportunity, and that means a lot because it means that we hopefully can grow, or increase the amount of native students that we recruit to our campus, but also make sure that they know that they have a home, and they have a place when they are here.

NF: The next set of questions is all about ideas for the future and the bigger picture of the Longhouse. So what events, projects, activities, would you have liked to have seen or would you recommend for the future?

TH: The biggest thing I can say is we need to have more personal, physical 00:19:00outreach to the tribes. Stuff on the phone and e-mail is great, but the times that I was fortunate enough to actually go to the reservations, mostly it was for salmon donation pickups, getting to meet with people, and talk about the work that we’re doing, and look at pictures from old salmon bakes that someone would bring out saying, “Hey, we donated this time. This is a funny picture we have.” Things like that are really cool. But also, every time you go, someone brings a young student out there just to meet with you and they say, “Hey, this guy goes to Oregon State. I want you to meet my son, or my nephew, or my nice, or my granddaughter, or whatever it is.” There’s always someone, and it just makes you realize the potential for young native people if they can just realize that they have a home and the have a place, and I think that’s just kind of our responsibility now with this new, beautiful, awesome building. I hate using the cliché Spiderman reference, but “with great power, come great responsibility.”


It’s like, with this great awesome building, we have an added responsibility to ourselves and to our community now, especially as native leaders because there’s so few of us here on campus. We owe it to ourselves and our community to do whatever we can to get to the reservations to build effective outreach tools, to make sure that we’re creating different types of workshops. Whatever types of resources possible to let native students know that they have a place and home, and that they can succeed here, that we can help provide them the resources for them to be successful in their academic careers, that they have the potential for professional development and leadership growth by working at the Longhouse. I think that with all of the positions that they offer here, there is a phenomenal opportunity for professional development and leadership growth that you probably can’t get in a lot of other places and a lot of other student positions on campus. So letting them know that they have these opportunities is our responsibility. I think that we’ve started to incorporate that during this budgeting year to make sure that we can cover travel costs to 00:21:00get people to the reservations so that we can actually start performing some of that outreach.

NF: Great. So what advice would you give future Longhouse staff? Or potentially OSU cultural staff in general?

TH: Well, if you’re the External coordinator and you’re listening to this or reading this: delegate. Because sometimes you forget to delegate or you think, “Oh, it will be faster if I do it myself” and next thing you know you’re kind of turning into a crazy person in trying to do way too much and it’s just not fair to the people around you and it’s just not good, it’s not healthy. You need to find a better way to delegate and that’s always been the problem, one of the issues I guess with the external/internal coordinators at least. That’s what I’ve been told from past external coordinators and from Victoria and things like that. Finding ways to delegate but also just get out. Don’t 00:22:00just stay in the center, don’t just be here as someone who is going to welcome people as they come into our building, make sure that you are doing something.

Like our purpose is so much greater than just being up here to greet people, that is important as well and making sure that were friendly and inviting and they know that if people want to come in here and gain resources and gain knowledge and cultural understanding, that we are there for that but also there is the other side, we can’t just do that. We have to make sure that we are getting out, like I said to meet with other departments on campus, with other native organizations throughout the areas, with other tribes. Whatever it is, just make sure that we branch out as much as possible because we got to do it bigger. There are so few of us on campus, the only way we are going to change that is by reaching out more and trying a little harder.

NF: Great. So based on working at the Longhouse, what is a take away or several takeaways if you have more, that you’ve gained that you would like to share 00:23:00with others?

TH: I think the thing that always strikes me the most is how resilient and how passionate and empowered native people are and can be, especially when given an opportunity that you see so many people, so many young native people that without the right opportunity or without an opportunity or understanding there’s an opportunity there, they waste some of their power and their energy and their ability to do awesome things. But being in a place where we are trying to provide those resources and provide those opportunities to native students, know students here on campus and potential students, seeing the change that can happen in people and the growth that can happen over such a short amount of time when you just share the opportunities that we have for native 00:24:00people. It’s so unbelievable to see, it’s one of those things that’s like... those are the type of things that keep you advocating and fighting for your community for the rest of your life.

Those are the types of little, small victories that when you see the change in somebody and when you see the light in someone’s eyes when they feel like “I’m going to make it, I have you know whatever it is,” that’s the kind of stuff that’s just like... it keeps you going you know? It’s like it gets super stressful working in a position like this, especially as an undergrad student, trying to find a way to balance school and work and your personal life and everything else but those little things are the things that really make it worthwhile, especially when you get to work with other groups. Like we bring high school and middle school groups here and like seeing those kids, it’s like that is one of the best things you can possibly ever take away. And for anyone who ever listens to this or reads this, whatever they do, do whatever you can to reach out to young people because when you show them that they... just 00:25:00show them the opportunity and show them there is some kind of hope, its life changing.

NF: So this could be the next question your answer could be already answered. What is the biggest issue in terms of the purpose of the Longhouse and why it’s important?

TH: So I think that the Longhouse serves, in my mind I kind of think of three distinct functions. The first one as a resource for OSU students, the OSU community, Corvallis community, for us to share our culture and our knowledge and our identities with people, to hopefully build a more culturally competent campus and more inclusive campus. And then there is also providing the space and the ability to have, you know medium to large scale events and things like that. To have community gatherings; to have conferences and dinners and ceremonies or whatever it is. Being able to do those two things but then, kind of like I’ve been harping on I guess probably because I’m the external 00:26:00coordinator so it’s what I’ve been working on so to me it’s a little more near and dear is the community outreach and cultural outreach aspect.

Making sure we are really working with native people outside of our campus and bringing native people into our campus, whether it’s bringing in a guest speaker, partnering with another organization like Nike N7 or with the Native American Youth and Family Association in Portland. Partnering with those organizations or just getting to a reservation and talking to some young people. To me that’s where I think we could see the most growth in the NAL and I think that’s the biggest opportunity that the NAL and this University has to utilize these resources and these passionate, young, native student leaders to increase recruitment and potentially retention rates for new students on our campus.

NF: And how would you describe the impact of the Longhouse on native students?


TH: I would say, we always say were a home away from home but we really are. You start to develop a family after you’ve been here long enough, these people become such close friends that when you don’t see them for a day you’re like “oh wait, where is so and so? Why are they not here right now and I know they don’t have class right, there supposed to be in here” and so it’s really cool building that sense of community, especially because most of our communities are relatively small, often times it’s just, you know, a family, an extended family or whatever. And you get to build that while you are here on campus, only you do it with the friends that will become your kind of native OSU family. I think that’s pretty cool.

NF: And how would you describe the impact of the NAL on the OSU and local community?

TH: I think that the work we do with the Salmon Bake has really kind of shown to me the impact that we have with the amount of... one the amount of news coverage that the OSU community or Corvallis community loves to do on things like that, 00:28:00but just the amount of people that show up with a genuine interest. Like a lot of people you know are going to show up because “hey, it’s free salmon, that’s awesome” but so many people show up just asking questions and wanting to know more. I mean literally hundreds of people just coming saying “hey who do I talk to? What events do you have going on? Where can I find out more?” like “Do you have a Facebook page? Hey can we tour your building?”

So many people just get so interested whenever they see the salmon pit or whenever they hear a drum team, whenever they see dancers and things like that, that I think that we are having a really positive impact on the OSU community, on kind of the culture of OSU in making it basically more inclusive and culturally competent and just aware that native people are here and that we still hold on to our traditions, even if it’s not every day, like the Salmon Bake or Pow wow or whatever it is. You know I think when I started here not a 00:29:00lot of people, not a lot of people I knew at least, even knew the Longhouse existed, knew that we had a Salmon Bake, knew that OSU had Pow wow. And now everyone I know and people I’m always talking to or running into are finding out about that and I’ve had people talk to me like “hey you’re native right? Have you heard about this?” and I was like “yes I have, I helped put that on this year but I’m so glad you know about it, like it’s really cool.” So seeing that happen just in the few years that I’ve been here has been really cool and hopefully that trend will continue forever here on campus.

NF: Can you describe your thoughts on why sharing your story is important to your identity if it is?

TH: Yeah, I think it’s important. One, for me, just like externally processing some of the things that you do and go through here in the Longhouse because we really, sometimes it’s hard to say like “what are your day to day activities?” and you try to tell someone, like walk them through. It’s really hard to kind of go through all those things sometimes because often we 00:30:00are doing so much and so many things all at once. You really... it can be quite overwhelming so being able to sit down and tell your story, it kind of just externalize some of that information, is really important because you start to realize just as you’re saying it “oh yeah I did, I did that, yeah that was so cool to see that” or you remember certain things and faces and different things that just come up. You’re like “oh this is really cool, this is part of who I am and I am really proud to have done this.”

And I think that every time someone asks me about the Longhouse and work that I’ve done here, I always am a little more proud to have been able to call the Longhouse my home because I just think about it more and more and as I tell that story to more people and they start learning about and they share it with their friends and then they want to come in here and find out what’s going on or they let a native student know and they come in and next thing you know it’s there home and their working here and things like that. And that it’s a really cool way to kind of reflect on the kind of things that you’ve done and 00:31:00worked on but at the same time build aspects of your own identity and just through externally processing everything that you do here.

I think that we perhaps focus... maybe we don’t focus enough on personal identity development here and I think sometimes we assume that we you come to the University that we already, especially if we are the types of students that want to be in student leadership positions or want to work at the Longhouse that we already kind of have our identity locked so to speak, which is not going to be true for anybody but I think that’s why telling our story is so important because when we are not focusing... if we don’t focus enough on our own identity development personally or as a team or whatever we are doing, the only way we develop that is through the work we do in the Longhouse and through the events that we put on and the interactions with other people, the conversations with native and non-native people on campus. And then when you get to tell that 00:32:00story like they get to help you kind of shape your identity a little better and helps you kind of build that path a little better.

NF: Great. So this last question is about the general atmosphere on campus in terms of race relations. Can you describe your experiences at OSU pertaining to racial or ethnic identity or specifically your tribal affiliation?

TH: Yeah. So, there has been positive and negative things, I think a lot of the negative things typically come from people who just don’t really understand, people who are just generally ignorant to whatever we are working on or straight like bigoted and they’ll say things like “oh you shouldn’t have a Longhouse on campus, all those Indians, all they do is like drink.” They just 00:33:00come with all sorts crazy stuff. I’ve seen people post things on Facebook, on the Longhouse Facebook page, on my personal Facebook page, people say things to me about other people working here and “oh what can you possibly do there?” Like people that just don’t understand, they just perpetuate these stereotypes about native people that they kind of see from you know the families that have been passed around are like these really terrible Hollywood portrayals of native people in our communities and so you get a lot more than you would expect.

And it’s pretty crappy, it’s not a fun thing deal with especially when some of these people are like talking about or referring to it are people that you’ve come to know and love and respect. But I think that’s one of the things any native person is going to deal with. There is also the positive things though within I think our University Leadership does a good job, Alison Davis White Eyes does a great job, and President Ray and Dr. Roper have done a really good job of acknowledging the important work that native students are 00:34:00doing but also how kind of unique our experience is because we are such a small minority population here on campus and because the land that this University is on is originally native land. And so they do a good job of addressing that and recognizing that and showing support for our community on campus. Also since the increase with the Nike N7 basketball game, that’s a really big thing.

People have become a lot more excited about just the idea of native culture. Who knows what that means to them but they just think it’s really cool and they can see a native pattern on a turquoise Nike T-shirt and they come in here and ask us about it and we get to kind of tell them the story and especially having one of the only native basketball players here has been really cool for kind of the experience of a native person on this campus and kind of the sense of belonging and the sense of like cultural competency as far as people understanding of like native culture.


NF: Well is there anything that we have not discussed that you would like to add or anything that talked about that you would like to go back to and talk a little bit more about?

TH: I don’t think so. I just hope that if someone you know that’s an external coordinator in the future or a community outreach coordinator who knows what positions will be called or look like in the future, they could all be different but if anyone ever has the opportunity to do any outreach to young native people in the future, I hope that they, if they hear this and listen to it, that they’ll go and do it because we have an unbelievable potential at the Longhouse right now, especially with how much energy we’re building around this new building. We have to really capitalize on it and we owe it to our communities to do the best we can in the next few years to just get after it really and to recruit as many native people as possible and to build the most inclusive, amazing spot for people on campus to learn and share about native culture.


NF: Great, well thank you very much.

TH: Thank you.