Theme: Fisheries and Wildlife

Tana Atchley Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
September 15, 2015
Tana Atchley (b. 1977) is a Modoc, Paiute and Karuk member of the Klamath Tribes,
who grew up in Sprague River, Oregon on what had once been the Klamath Indian Reservation.
After completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Oregon, Atchley pursued
a master's degree in College Student Services Administration at OSU, completing the
program in 2005. In the years since, she has worked as a counselor and advisor at
Portland State University, and has been deeply involved with salmon camps and other
forms of outreach to Oregon's tribal youth. Since 2013, Atchley has worked as the
tribal workforce development and outreach coordinator at the Columbia River Inter-Tribal
Fish Commission. Her interview focuses on her upbringing and tribal traditions; her
educational path and professional career; her engagement with young people; and her
reflections on the challenges and opportunities facing Native American communities
in Oregon.

Jerimiah Bonifer Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
November 22, 2014
Jerimiah Bonifer (b. 1983) is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla
Indian Reservation, who grew up on the reservation and in nearby Pendleton, Oregon.
From 2009-2014, while living in Pendleton and working full-time, Bonifer attended
OSU through its Extended Campus online degree program, studying Fisheries and Wildlife.
Bonifer completed his undergraduate work in 2014; his participation in commencement
exercises that Spring at Reser Stadium marked his second ever visit to OSU's Corvallis
campus. His interview focuses on his traditional tribal upbringing, his Ecampus experience,
and his professional work in fisheries.

The Lives of International Students
Three life history interviews conducted by Chris Petersen.
March 3 - 6, 2015
In 2015, Oregon State University served as a home away from home for over 4,000 international
students hailing from 107 different countries. Over the course of three interviews
conducted in March 2015, the experiences and perspectives of four current OSU international
students were recorded, with particular emphasis paid to changing perspectives on
U.S. culture, contrasting systems of education around the world, and the major social
and cultural adjustments required of international students studying at Oregon State.
The international students who shared their stories are Jenny Urbina, a Ph.D. candidate
from Colombia; Kong Zheng Yeang, an undergraduate from Malaysia; Andrea Jara, also
a Ph.D. student from Colombia; and Chidi Okonkwo, a master's candidate from Nigeria.

Bob and Kaety Jacobson Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
January 20, 2015
Bob Jacobson (b. 1939) attended Oregon State as an undergraduate and member of the
Beaver basketball team, graduating with a degree in Business and Technology in 1963.
Three years later, he became the country's first Marine Extension Agent, working with
coastal fishermen and seafood processors, as well as state-wide policymakers, for
nearly three decades. His daughter Kaety Jacobson (b. 1981) is a 2003 OSU graduate
in Natural Resources. In 2005, she too began a career as a Marine Extension Agent,
operating out of her hometown of Newport. In their interview, the Jacobsons reflect
on their closely connected experiences as OSU students and Marine Extension Agents
on Oregon's coast, commenting on the similarities and differences that each has observed
over the decades.

Andy Landforce Oral History Interviews
Six life history interviews conducted by Mike Dicianna and Debora Landforce.
May 2013 - October 2015
Andy Landforce (b. 1917) graduated from Oregon State College in 1942, serving as student
body president his senior year. A World War II veteran, Landforce enjoyed a long career
at Oregon State University, first as a County Extension Agent and later as a Wildlife
Management Specialist. He also worked for an additional fifteen years in retirement
as a professional fishing guide. Among many other topics, the Landforce oral history
interviews focus on campus life at Oregon State College during the 1930s, the 1942
Rose Bowl game, his military service during World War II, and his post-war career
at OSU.

Bob Malouf Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
April 19, 2017
Bob Malouf (b. 1946) spent his entire career in the world of Sea Grant, working on
two coasts and intersecting with Oregon State University on three different occasions.
Malouf earned his master's degree from OSU in 1971, a time period during which he
distinguished himself as Oregon Sea Grant's first trainee. In 1975 he completed his
Oregon State Ph.D. and, from 1991 to 2008, he served as Director of Oregon Sea Grant.
At various points, Malouf also worked as a scientist and administrator for Sea Grant
programs in Delaware and New York. In his interview, Malouf recounts key points in
his evolution as an academic and leader, and also provides detailed insight into the
development of Oregon Sea Grant as well as the ways in which it compares with other
Sea Grant programs on the Atlantic Coast.

Bruce Mate Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
September 8, 2016
Bruce Mate (b. 1946) has been associated with OSU for more than four decades, first
as a post-doctoral fellow in Oceanography, then as a Marine Extension Agent, and ultimately
as a faculty member and administrator. Mate is internationally recognized as the chief
pioneer of radio and satellite tracking of marine mammals; specifically, of whale
populations. Beginning in 1979, Mate and his research group have used increasingly
sophisticated tagging and tracking devices to better understand the migratory, feeding
and reproductive habits of a wide range of whale species across multiple habitats.
Mate and his colleagues have tagged over eight-hundred whales in all of the world's
oceans, traveling to fifty-five countries in the process. The founder and director
of the OSU Marine Mammal Institute, Mate's scientific contributions have led to numerous
policy initiatives that have helped to rehabilitate whale populations that were once
bordering on extinction. His interview largely recounts the specifics of his groundbreaking
research, while also touching upon the history of the Marine Mammal Institute as well
as his personal memories of working in Extension.

David Noakes Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
June 4, 2015
David Noakes (b. 1947) is a professor of Fisheries and Wildlife at OSU as well as
director and senior scientist at the Oregon Hatchery Research Center (OHRC). Noakes
came to Oregon State in 2005 after a long and distinguished career at the University
of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, where he developed an international reputation as a
scholar of fish behavior, evolution and genetics. Under Noakes' leadership, the OHRC
engages with researchers from around the world as well as local groups in exploring
the relationship between hatchery raised fish, wild fish, and the environment. Noakes'
interview focuses on his upbringing and education in Canada, his academic work in
fish behavior, and the on-going work of the OHRC.

Bob Schoning Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
November 5, 2014
Bob Schoning (b. 1923) spent over fifty years working as a fisheries biologist and
policymaker at various levels of government. A nationally ranked handball player for
much of his life, Schoning also served his country as a Marine during World War II
and the Korean War, and was honored with the Bronze Star for his courage on the battlefield.
As director of the National Marine Fisheries Service, Schoning was heavily involved
with the crafting of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act,
an important piece of legislation which established a 200-mile fishery conservation
zone buffering the shorelines of the United States. Schoning spent four years as a
visiting professor with OSU's Fisheries and Wildlife Department and another sixteen
years on the advisory board of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station. His interview
focuses on his military service; his work as a fisheries policymaker; and his multiple
associations with OSU.

Dale Story Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
January 9, 2014
Dale Story (b. 1942) overcame polio as a child and developed into an elite distance
runner, breaking the national high school record for the one-mile run in 1959. Story
attended Oregon State as an undergraduate from 1961-1965. During that time, he set
numerous school records as a cross country and track athlete, often training and competing
barefoot. Perhaps the pinnacle of Story's collegiate career came in 1961 when he won
the NCAA cross country championship, leading OSC to the team title at that same event.
The Story oral history interview focuses on his upbringing in California, his athletic
achievements and extracurricular interests at Oregon State, and his lifelong passion
for the outdoors.