Title: Oregon Wildlife Federation Scrapbooks, 1960-1962
ID: MSS ORWildlife
Primary Creator: Oregon Wildlife Federation
Extent: 1.2 cubic feet
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Related Materials: Other Oregon Wildlife Federation materials are available in the Roland Eugene Dimick Papers (MSS Dimick). The Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center include several other collections pertaining to wildlife conservation, including the Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records (RG 190), Fisheries and Wildlife Department Photographs (P 179), Carl E. Bond Papers (MSS Bond), William L. Finley Papers (MSS Finley), and the E. E. Wilson Papers (MSS WilsonEE).
Preferred Citation: Oregon Wildlife Federation Scrapbooks (MSS ORWildlife), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: Because of water damage prior to transfer to the Archives, the scrapbooks have been disassembled and, where possible, materials removed from the scrapbooks. Selected pages of the scrapbooks, including the covers and water color drawings that served as section dividers have been retained. This collection is segregated from other Archives' collections and its condition will be monitored periodically.
Oregon Wildlife Federation
Multnomah Anglers and Hunters Club
Natural Resources
Oregon Wildlife Federation
Powder River Sportsmen's Club
Santiam Fish and Game Association
Wildlife conservation--Oregon.
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