By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Corvallis Branch Records, 1971-1974
ID: MSS NAACPCorvallis
Primary Creator: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Corvallis Branch
Extent: 0.45 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Corvallis Branch Records document the early years of the Corvallis Branch and its activities and programs to address racial discrimination in education, employment, and housing. The records include annual reports, correspondence, resolutions, press releases, and petitions. The Corvallis Branch was chartered in 1971.
The annual reports, the correspondence for 1971, the correspondence for 1972, the correspondence for 1973, and the correspondence for 1974 have been digitized and are available upon request. Tables of Content for the 1972-1974 volumes of Correspondence are also available upon request.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Corvallis Branch Records consist of a volume of annual reports for 1971-1973 and 4 volumes of correspondence for 1971-1974.
The annual reports includes summaries of the activities and programs of the branch, lists of committee members and officers, financial reports and budgets, and committee reports. Reports of the following committees are included: Political Action, Community Coordination, Labor and Industry, Economic Advancement, Housing, Church Work, Press and Publicity, Education, Voter Registration, Freedom Fund, Christmas Seals, Membership, Affirmative Action Conference, Consumer Protection, Prison Affairs, and Youth Work. The annual reports have been digitized and are available upon request.
The correspondence volumes consist of photocopies of correspondence sent and received, much of it with Branch president Calvin O.L., Henry, as well as photocopies of newspaper clippings, press releases, petitions, resolutions, and related materials. The annual volumes for 1971-1974 were compiled by the Branch Secretary, Adriana Huyer (1971-1972) and Mary Ellen Arnold (1973-1974). The introduction in each volume indicates that the correspondence volumes do not include "correspondence arising from complaints of discrimination received by the Branch"; however, materials documenting, reporting, or investigating incidents of harassment or discrimination are included. The contents of each volume are arranged based on major activities of that year. The 1971 volume includes general correspondence and correspondence pertaining to political action, the Branch's efforts to obtain a special bulk mailing permit, the Northwest Area Conference, and labor and industry. The 1972 correspondence includes general correspondence as well as materials pertaining to labor and industry, Black History Week, fundraising, the Benton-Linn Economic Opportunity Council, the Human Resources Center, and political action. In addition to general correspondence, the 1973 and 1974 volumes include correspondence pertaining to political action, education, labor and industry, local branch affairs and concerns, national and regional affairs, and awards.
Topics addressed in the records include "whites only" policies of local social clubs and objections regarding the site of the Corvallis High School all-night senior graduation party at the Elks Club; affirmative action and the employment policies of local businesses; federal civil rights legislation; and responses to the location of a Hewlett-Packard production and development facility in Corvallis. The records document race relations and the climate for minority students, faculty, and staff at Oregon State University (OSU). The materials include correspondence with President Robert W. MacVicar; reports and investigations of harassment or discrimination involving OSU students; and documents pertaining to employment practices, the branch's cooperative relationship with the OSU Black Student Union, and interactions between minority students and the OSU Athletic Department. Several OSU faculty and staff were active members of the Corvallis Branch during this time period.
The annual reports, the correspondence for 1971, the correspondence for 1972, the correspondence for 1973, and the correspondence for 1974 have been digitized and are available upon request. Tables of Content for the 1972-1974 volumes of Correspondence are also available upon request.
More Extent Information: 1 box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The records were donated to the Oregon State University Libraries annually in the early 1970s and were placed in the Kerr Library Vault Collection (E185.5 N21 and E185.5 N22). In 2010, the records were transferred from the Libraries' Special Collections to the University Archives.
Related Materials: The NAACP Corvallis Branch Records are considered a component of the Oregon Multicultural Archives. The Urban League of Portland Records (MSS UrbanLeague) include substantial materials pertaining to African Americans in Oregon. Other collections documenting minorities and race relations in Corvallis and at Oregon State University include the Office of Multicultural Affairs Records (RG 225), Diversity Development Office Records (RG 228), Educational Opportunities Program Records (RG 230), Minority Education Office Records (RG 229), and Student Involvement Records (RG 232). The records of NAACP Branches in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, Washington, are available at the University of Oregon and University of Washington.
Preferred Citation: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Corvallis Branch Records, Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Corvallis Branch
Henry, Calvin Oscar Leon
MacVicar, Robert William (1918-)
African Americans--Civil Rights--Oregon.
African Americans--Education--Oregon.
African Americans--Employment--Oregon.
African Americans--Housing--Oregon--Corvallis.
African Americans--Oregon--Corvallis.
Corvallis (Or.)--Race relations.
Discrimination in education--Oregon--Corvallis.
Discrimination in housing--Oregon--Corvallis.
Local History
Minority college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Oregon State University--Faculty.
Oregon State University--Sports.
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University. Athletics.
University History
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