By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Corvallis College Benefit Broadside, 1859
ID: MSS CorvallisCollegeBenefit
Primary Creator: Corvallis College
Extent: 0.02 cubic feet
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Corvallis College, the predecessor institution to Oregon State University, was incorporated in 1858 as a coeducational institution of primary and preparatory education. Plagued by financial instability, the College changed hands several times and added college-level coursework in the 1860s. In 1868, Corvallis College was designated and adopted as the agricultural college of the State of Oregon by the Oregon Legislative Assembly and given land grant status.
The December 31, 1859 issue (number 48) of the Oregon Weekly Union includes a notice that a company of amateur performers will give a benefit entertainment for Corvallis College that evening and states, "It is rumored that some of our prominent citizens will appear."
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The broadside was transferred to the University Archives from the OSU Libraries Special Collections in 2005.
Original/Copies Note: The broadside is available in the Oregon Multicultural Archives Digital Collection at:,148
Related Materials:
This item is a component of the Oregon Multicultural Archives.
Materials pertaining to Corvallis College are available in the Board of Trustees Records (RG 033), the Columbia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Collection (MSS Columbia), and the William A. Finley Scrapbook (MSS FinleyWA).
Preferred Citation: Corvallis College Benefit Broadside (MSS CorvallisCollegeBenefit), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis College
African Americans--Oregon--Corvallis.
Corvallis (Or.)--Social life and customs.
Corvallis College
Local History
Oregon Multicultural Archives
University History
Broadsides (notices).
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