By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Virgil L. Choate Collection, 1953-1957
ID: MSS Choate
Primary Creator: Choate, Virgil L.
Extent: 0.05 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Virgil L. Choate Collection consists of ephemera and photographs assembled by Choate during his student years at Oregon State College in the mid-1950s. The ephemeral items include a dance card, newspaper clippings, the January 29, 1954 Dad's Day issue of the Daily Barometer campus newspaper, a campus map, and basketball game tickets. The game tickets are for NCAA Western Regional championship games played at Gill Coliseum. The campus map indicates the locations of the Deans' offices on campus.
The photographs are all duplicate prints of the original images; most are b/w and a few are color. The bulk of the images depict activities at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, including house dances. Images of the interior and exterior of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house and of fraternity members are also included. Several images depict the fate of University of Oregon students who were captured after an attempt to prematurely light the homecoming bonfire.
More Extent Information: 25 photographs; 1 box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were transferred by the Oregon State University Alumni Association in 2012.
Related Materials: The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity - OSU Chapter Record Book (MSS PhiDeltaTheta) and the Bill Tomsheck Scrapbook (MSS Tomsheck) include additional information about the Phi Delta Theta chapter at Oregon State. Additional information about Phi Delta Theta and other fraternities is available in the OSUMemorabilia Collection(MSS MC), the Dean of Men Records (RG 134), Student Involvement Records (RG 232), Greek Life Office Records (RG 223), the Living Groups Index (MSS LivingGrps), and many other collections held by the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
Preferred Citation: Virgil L. Choate Collection (MSS Choate), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Choate, Virgil L.
Choate, Virgil L.
College students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Greek letter societies--Oregon--Corvallis.
Oregon State Agricultural College--Students.
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Oregon Beta Chapter.
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
University History
Ephemera (general object genre)
Photographic prints.
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