By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: F. Ross Brown Papers, 1890-1963
Predominant Dates: 1907-1916
ID: MSS BrownFRoss
Primary Creator: Brown, F. R. (Frank Ross)
Extent: 0.6 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The F. Ross Brown Papers consist of materials generated and assembled by Brown documenting his student years at Oregon Agricultural College, agricultural work in the 1910s, and participation in the Oregon Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation. The collection includes photographs, a photograph album, student memorabilia, and correspondence. Brown graduated from Oregon Agricultural College in 1910.
Items from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The F. Ross Brown Papers consist of materials generated and assembled by Brown documenting his student years at Oregon Agricultural College (OAC), agricultural work in the 1910s, and participation in the Oregon Wildflife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation. The collection consists of photographs and a photograph album; student memorabilia; correspondence; newspaper clippings; and ephemeral items.
The collection includes 44 loose photographs and a photograph album with 41 images. Most of the images were made in 1900-1913. The loose photographs depict Brown's college classmates at OAC, campus views, farmsteads and agricultural scenes, and the first Agricultural Fair held at OAC in 1911. Portrait photographs of Brown's OAC classmates were made by W.S. Gardner and include images of R.B. Denny, R.E. Bradley, Darwin Thayer, B.L. Clark, Glenna Wilson, Ray Chapman, Ralph Rees, and several unidentified students. The campus views are from the period 1890-1910 and include several snow scenes, individual campus buildings, and a view of the construction of Apperson Hall. Several portrait photographs of Ruby Starr Witzig, taken by Mrs. M. Wiegand (Corvallis photographer), are part of the collection. Views of Heppner and Roseburg, Oregon, are included as well as a group photograph of attendees at the Annual Convention of Agents for the Oregon Fire Relief Association, held in McMinnville, Oregon, in April 1924. Two photographs (circa 1950s) depict Brown with Douglas McKay and an unidentified man; in one of the photographs McKay is viewing a sheet of National Wildlife Federation Stamps.
The photograph album consists of prints from 1900 to 1913; the bulk of the images are for 1911-1913. The album includes snapshots of friends and family (including children) and outings. Agricultural scenes, especially of orchards, and views of towns in Oregon and Washington are depicted, including Ashland, the Hood River Valley, Medford, Rex, Riddle, and Roseburg in Oregon and Camas, Washington. Photographs of several campus buildings, including construction of the new greenhouses in 1910, and the college orchard are included. Of note are two images of a wagon stuck in a muddy road identified as 11th and Harrison in Corvallis in January 1913.
The student memorabilia includes several holiday (Christmas) cards; a Class of 1910 Class Day program; and reunion booklets for the Class of 1910 for 1913, 1914, 1916, and 1935.
The correspondence consists primarily of letters between Brown, in his roles with the Oregon and National Wildlife Federations, and Mark O. Hatfield, first as Secretary of State and later as Governor of Oregon, during the period 1958-1963. These exchanges pertain to fisheries and wildlife issues, including appointments to boards and commissions. The newspaper clippings are for the period 1951-1964 and document Brown's involvement with the Oregon Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation; clippings pertaining to salmon fishing in Oregon, migratory waterfowl of the Klamath Basin, and dam construction are also included. Ephemeral items include a 1959 certificate from the County of Hawaii to Brown, as Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation, and 1956 campaign report for Save Oregon's Salmon, Inc., located in Corvallis, Oregon. This organization sponsored an initiative measure ("7") to eliminate commercial salmon netting on Oregon's small coastal streams. A World War II era ration book holder is also included in the collection.
An addition to the Brown Papers (accesion 2012:034) is made up of materials documenting Brown's student experience at Oregon Agricultural College and involvement with the Oregon Wildlife Federation (OWF). The college related items consist of three OAC "Orange" yearbooks dated 1908, 1909, 1910. In addition to a report of an OWF 1952 quarterly meeting, other materials reflecting the Oregon and National Wildlife Federation include photographs, a brochure for the dedication of the National Wildlife Federation building, and business cards. The images depict Brown with the OWF "public relations car," Brown in a group shot with other attendees of an OWF meeting, and a view of downtown Portland.
Items from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
Franklin Ross Brown attended Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) in 1907-1910 and earned a BS in Agriculture in 1910. From June 1910 until March 1911, Brown was foreman of the college orchard and an instructor in horticulture. He also worked at OAC as a field assistant in horticulture research with the Agricultural Experiment Station from November 1911 until July 1915, specializing in prunes and orchard heating. Brown served as County Agriculturist for the Extension Service in Morrow County in the late 1910s. In 1925, Brown was employed by Kerr-Gifford in Heppner, Oregon; he later became a businessman in Albany, Oregon.
Brown was active in the Oregon Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation in the 1950s and 1960s and served as President of the Oregon Wildlife Federation and Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation.
Brown was born in Tilden, Nebraska on September 20, 1885 and attended Nebraska Wesleyan University before enrolling at Oregon Agricultural College (OAC). When he enrolled at OAC, he was a resident of Camas, Washington. He married Ella Foster in 1911 and they had five children, Duane Foster, Donna, Veryl, Meridee, and Curwin Norris. Brown died on July 16, 1964.
More Extent Information: 85 photographs; 1 box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The materials were donated to the Archives by Brown's grandson, Ross Jefferys, in 2010.
Related Materials: The OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center holdings include the Oregon Wildlife Federation Scrapbooks (MSS ORWildlife) for 1960-1962 as well as other materials documenting the Oregon and National Wildlife Federations in the Roland Eugene Dimick Papers (MSS Dimick), William L. Finley Papers (MSS Finley), and the E.E. Wilson Papers (MSS WilsonEE). Additional information pertaining to horticulture research and teaching is available in the Horticulture Department Records (RG 187) and the Horticulture Department Photographs (P 090) as well as the papers of several horticulture faculty, including the James R. Baggett Papers (MSS Baggett), Arthur G.B. Bouquet Papers (MSS Bouquet), Walter S. Brown Photograph album (P 274), and Melvin N. Westwood Papers (MSS Westwood). Photographs and memorabilia of the Class of 1910 are part of the Bertha Andresen Photographs (P 026), Beulah Gilkey Collection (MSS GilkeyB), and the Frances Alva Aitken Collection (MSS Aitken).
Preferred Citation: F. Ross Brown Papers (MSS BrownFRoss), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Brown, F. R. (Frank Ross)
Gardner, W. S. (Winfield S.) (1863-1933)
Hatfield, Mark O. (1922-2011)
Oregon Wildlife Federation
Brown, F. R. (Frank Ross)
College buildings--Oregon--Corvallis.
College students--Oregon--Corvallis.
McKay, Douglas, 1893-1959
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources
Oregon Agricultural College--Buildings.
Oregon Agricultural College--Students.
Oregon Agricultural College. Class of 1910
University History
Wildlife conservation--Oregon.
Photograph albums.
Photographic prints.
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