Title: John Leo Fairbanks Collection, circa 1850 - 1930
ID: MSS Fairbanks
Primary Creator: Fairbanks, John Leo (1878-1946)
Extent: 1.2 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized into two series: 1. Postcards; and 2. Photo and postcard albums. The postcards are arranged by location.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Related Materials: Other materials pertaining to Fairbanks are in the Library Records (RG 009) and the OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC).
Preferred Citation: John Leo Fairbanks Collection (MSS Fairbanks), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Fairbanks, John Leo (1878-1946)
Fairbanks, John Leo, 1878-1946
University History
Photograph albums.
Postcard albums.
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