Title: Betty Kerr Photographs, 1890-1893
ID: P 196
Primary Creator: Kerr, Betty
Extent: 0.1 cubic feet
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Betty Kerr Photographs depict campus and community life at Oregon Agricultural College in the early 1890s.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The collection primarily consists of photographic prints mounted onto 8" x 5.5" card stock. The images document scenes of student and community life and include several group portraits of students as well as images of the Administration Building (current Benton Hall) and the Benton County Courthouse.
The item-level scope and content notes included with this finding aid were written for use in a photographic essay; their original author is unknown.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation: Betty Kerr Photographs (P 196), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed and a complete finding aid is not available at this time.
Kerr, Betty
Kerr, Betty
University History
The 1891-92 catalog, in which this photograph is published, described the greenhouse as "large and well supplied with many varieties of choice plants." Students were required to work five hours per week without pay; additional labor was paid at the rate of fifteen cents per hour.
George Coote was born in Kent County, England in 1842 and (according to Lucy Skjelstad) worked as the gardener for Charles Darwin before emigrating to America. He arrived in Corvallis in 1877 via the Isthmus of Panama and farmed in an area west of Corvallis and near Yaquina Bay until his appointment to the College faculty in 1888. He laid out the college grounds, erected and supervised the greenhouses, and taught in the Horticulture Department until 1908 when failing health forced him to take a leave of absence. He died several months later in November 1908. One of his daughters was married to Emil Pernot, the college photographer. Image is available online.
The Trysting Tree, a large Grey Poplar located to the southeast of Benton Hall, was a popular gathering spot on campus. According to one story, the tree was planted between 1880 and 1885 by George Coote. An early alumnus claimed that the Trysting Tree was so named because of its "magical effects on students, especially in the spring time." The tree's popularity was such that the Board of Regents felt obliged to place two arc lights on the cupola of Benton Hall (then the Administration Building) "to keep the tree from being overworked." On September 27, 1987, the Trysting Tree was cut down because of advanced disease in its trunk and limbs.
This particular photo was taken with a Kodak No. 2 camera, one of the earliest cameras developed for amateur photographers. Image is available online.
Identified are: Anna Hannah ('95); Effie Willis ('95); Mollie C. Voorhees ('93); Jennie Thornbury; Carrie Abernethy; Orla Robbins; Kittie Emmett ('95); Lois Stewart ('92); Mrs. Casto's mother; Amy Vaughn; Mrs. I. A. L. Casto (matron); Lena Willis ('95); Adda Davenport; Dorothea Nash ('95); Inez Cooley ('95); G. Casto; Lillian Thornbury.
Alpha Hall, built in 1889, was the second building on the OAC campus. It served as the men's boarding house until 1892 when Cauthorn Hall (now Fairbanks Hall) was constructed, and from 1892 to 1907 served as a women's boarding house. Mrs. I. A. L. Casto was elected by the Board of Regents as matron of the hall in June 1892.
Most of the women depicted in this photograph were first-year students in home economics. Also depicted is one post-graduate, one third-year, one second-year, and three students in the preparatory department. Several of the women obtained degrees from OAC. Image is available online.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.