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Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club Collection, 1958-1978

By Rachel Lilley

Collection Overview

Title: Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club Collection, 1958-1978

ID: MSS Cosigners

Primary Creator: Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club (Oregon State University)

Extent: 1.2 cubic feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Collection is arranged into the following four series: Series 1. Minutes, 1958-1968; Series 2. Organizational Records, 1965-1977; Series 3. Photographs, 1977-1978; Series 4. Scrapbooks, 1958-1978.

Date Acquired: 00/00/1987

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


The Co-Signers Engineering Students’ Wives’ Club Collection documents the creation and activities of the group throughout its existence, and includes minutes, organizational records, scrapbooks, and photographs. The club was established to encourage friendships and social engagement among wives of engineering students at Oregon State University.

Scope and Content Notes

The Co-Signers Engineer Students’ Wives’ Club Collection is comprised of materials generated and collected by the Club from its establishment in 1958, until 1978, and include meeting minutes, organizational records, scrapbooks, and photographs.

Both minutes ledgers in Series 1 discuss similar topics, including the annual selection of “Mrs. Engineer;” projects to be worked on during the year; organizing events such as bake sales, teas, and birthday parties; yearly planning for group educational programs (e.g. flower arranging, and hair styling); election of officers, and amendments of the constitution and by-laws; ways to increase membership; and recommendations of special guests and speakers at meetings. Of special note, is a suggestion made at the meeting on April 1, 1959 that a letter be sent to the Legislature, expressing the need for on-campus housing for married students.

The by-laws of the Co-Signers, and the responsibilities of the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the club are documented in Series 2. The Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary “manuals” all report on what exiting officers did during their tenure, and also include blank forms, advice, and specific instructions to new officers. In addition, the Vice President’s manual includes lists of guest speakers and meeting places used; letters to incoming Vice Presidents from each of the preceding Vice Presidents; and names of advisors to the group from the Engineering Department. The Treasurer’s manual contains financial reports, blank forms, and a copy of the Club’s by-laws; the Secretary’s manual contains a copy of the by-laws, and examples of Engineering scholarship submittal forms.

Series 3, Photographs, contains 12 photographs and 57 negatives. The photographs are primarily in color, and are duplicative of photographs found in the scrapbooks, documenting social events and club meetings.

Series 4, Scrapbooks, primarily documents the social and fund-raising activities of the club, and the installation of new officers. Materials in the scrapbooks include approximately 400 photographs; club newsletters; event ephemera; news clippings about club events and fundraisers; lists of elected members and board members; and correspondence regarding and from Co-Signers scholarship recipients.

Biographical / Historical Notes

The Co-Signers Engineer Students’ Wives’ Club, according to the Oregon State Tech Record, was organized on February 5, 1958. Minutes from April 16th of the same year state that the full name – Co-Signers: Engineer Students’ Wives’ Club – was brought to a vote and approved; the club’s constitution was ratified at the next meeting on May 7.

According to the club’s by-laws, the purpose of the club was to “promote new friendships among women with a common interest as engineering student wives of Oregon State University, “provide activities for engineering student wives through social and business relations,” and “to provide financial assistance to married students in engineering at Oregon State University.” Membership in the club was limited to the wives of engineering students and faculty, and yearly dues cost $2.00. Officers – a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer – were elected each April, and served a term of one year.

The club planned many social events, including a Silver Tea, bake sales, fashion shows, and offered a yearly scholarship to married students in the College of Engineering.

Author: Rachel Lilley

Administrative Information

More Extent Information: 3 boxes, including 2 oversize boxes; 412 photographs

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: The materials were transferred to the Archives by the Dean's Office of the College of Engineering at Oregon State University in 1987.

Related Materials:

Other collections related to Engineering include the College of Engineering Photograph Collection (P 069), and the College of Engineering Records (RG 062). A number of subdisciplines of Engineering are also represented in SCARC holdings, including Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering.

Other collections relating to women's clubs at Oregon State include the Student Club and Organization Records (RG 276), the and Oregon State University Dames Club Records (MSS Dames), the Oregon State University Women's Club Records (MSS OSUWomensClub), the Talons Records (MSS Talons), the Chatter Club/Friendship Internationale Scrapbook (MSS ChatterClub), and the Phrateres Gamma Chapter Scrapbooks(MSS Phrateres).

Preferred Citation: Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club Collection (MSS Cosigners), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.


Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club (Oregon State University)

People, Places, and Topics

Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club (Oregon State University)
History of Science
Oregon State University. College of Engineering
University History
Women--Oregon--Corvallis--Societies and clubs.

Forms of Material

Film negatives.
Photographic prints.

Box and Folder Listing