Title: Library Photograph Collection, 1915-2002
ID: P 083
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Valley Library
Extent: 4.03 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Library Photograph Collection contains images taken by library staff and documenting past/present librarians, staff members and student workers; moves of materials within the library; events within the library; and the expansion and opening of the Kerr and Valley Libraries.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
Accession 1998:027 includes mounted photographic prints used in a display about the planned remodeling of the Valley Library. The images include color prints (ca. 1995) of the Kerr Library interior including the map room, CD-Rom center, information and reference desks, and online catalog terminals; the interior and exterior of the Guin Library at the Hatfield Marine Science Center; and an architectural plan of the second floor of the new Valley Library. The accession also includes black and white images (ca. 1940-1975) of the exterior of Kidder Hall and the Kerr Library - these are reproductions of images in other OSU Archives collections.
Accession 1998:057 is made up of mounted color photographic prints of the Kerr Library interior including study carrels; the Wilson Room; the CD-Rom center; the map room; online catalog terminals; book and journal shelving, including ceiling-high shelving filled with bound journals; office and study areas; the information and reference desks; and the Special Collections display area.
Accession 1998:061 consists of an oversize (30x36 in) color photographic print of the Norman W. and Glenville Starr Wilson Room, a collection of Victorian and Georgian art, books, and furniture located in the Kerr Library.
Accession 2001:120 contains photographic prints of University Librarians in portrait poses. The Librarians are: Ida Kidder, Lucy Lewis, Lucia Haley, William Carlson and Rodney Waldron.
Accession 2003:010 consists of slide presentations prepared by the OSU Library for the orientation of students in the use of the Library's resources. The reference tools and collections described in these presentations include: government documents, the card catalog, the science citation index, biological abstracts, resources on "minority" history and issues, periodical indexes, and ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). A presentation designed for training student shelvers was also included in this accession. Transcripts found in this accession for some of the presentations have been placed with the slides. Library staff members posed to show usage of reference materials and services are also featured in these slides. Included are: Rodney Waldron, Deborah Dombrowski, Irene Voigt, Donald Unger, Mariol Wogaman, Michael Kinch, Pat Brandt, and Piatolo Brown.
Accession 2003:080 contains two photograph albums of images taken by Library staff. The photographs in one album depict the construction of the west wing addition to Kidder Hall while the other shows the construction of the building where the Library currently resides. In addition to images documenting the construction process, there are also views of the interior and exterior of the buildings before, during, and after the work, including shots of the circulation desk and staff office areas. Images of the ceremonial groundbreaking and transfer of books from Kidder Hall to the new Library building are also included. The album showing the construction of the Kidder Hall addition also contains a numbered key to the images identifying the subject matter as well as the date of the photographs. Loose photographs from both of the albums have been placed in a file folder.
Accession 2003:089 is made up of photographic images taken by staff of the Guin Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center. In addition to exterior and interior shots of the building (many of which were taken just before the building was finished in 1990), there are also images of Guin Library staff and Marilyn Potts Guin at the groundbreaking ceremony. Images of the library/instructional center at the Hatfield Marine Science Center prior to the construction of the Guin Library are also included in this accession. Marilyn Potts Guin served as the HMSC Librarian from 1976 to 1989. In addition to holding a Master's in Library Science, she also earned a MS in Oceanography from OSU. She died in 1989.
Accession 2003:095 contains slides used in a presentation for the Library expansion campaign. In addition to images of Library students and staff in various offices and shelving areas, these slides also show a model of the Library after the proposed expansion, patrons in the library using computers, several graphs and charts with statistical information on library usage, historical views of the Library, and several examples of items in the Library's Special Collections. No script or other paperwork was found with these images.
Accession 2004:031 consists of site and floor plans (12 in all) printed on photographic paper of the proposed renovation and addition of the Library building. The drawings were produced by the firms of the SRG Partnership, Sasaki Associates, and Walker and Macy. The planning process for the renovation and addition of the Library building (also known as the Library Campaign) started in the late 1980s with the project completed in 1999.
Accession 2004:052 includes one photograph album and images collected and taken by Library staff which primarily document the expansion and opening of the Valley Library. Including many exterior and interior shots of the completed building as well as its construction, these images also depict various library staff involved in everyday tasks and social activities such as retirement parties.
Accession 2006:011 is made up of photographs taken by Map Librarian Joanne Perry that document the move of the map collection from the first floor to the third floor of the Valley Library. Numbering 42 prints in all, the images depict the physical move of map cases by movers, the storage area the collection resided in during the process of its being transferred to the third floor, reference desks for the map collection in both the temporary and current locations on the third floor, and the dismantling of the map room on the first floor.
Accession 2007:089 is made up of photographs taken by Library staff and others for use in the Friends of the Library Messenger newsletter. Roughly half of the photographs in this transfer pertain to the expansion/remodel of the Library that took place from 1996 to 1999 and various events associated with it such as the groundbreaking ceremony and grand opening celebration. In addition to portraits of Library staff and student workers, the images making up the other half of this accession document prominent visitors to the Library such as Linus Pauling and Francis Crick, retirements and other staff events, symposia held in the Library, the construction of the Dibble Garden, artifacts from the Pauling Collection, and Library Campaign Committee members. Photographs that were reproduced from Archives' collections depicting the Kidder Library and past Library staff members like Director Rod Waldron were also found in this transfer.
Accession 2010:046 includes images mounted on foamcore for display that depict OSU Library staff involvement in various projects such as the Oregon Link Project, the Jumpstart project, and the Kids Need Libraries Project. Among the Library staff featured in these images are: David Johnson, Karyle Butcher, Cindy Skinner, Jill Holaday, Mariol Wogaman, Laurel Kristick, Carrie Ottow, Stephen Moseley, Richard Griffin and Bonnie Avery.
Accession 2011:075 contains photographic prints depicting Special Collections staff and student workers including department head Cliff Mead, Janet Wallace, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Sherill Leverich, Kristin Johnson, Jaganath Ragu and Ryan Castle. In addition to views of these staff/students working at the Special Collections front desk/reception area, the images also document Mead's office and the department display case. At the time that these photographs were taken, Special Collections resided on the fourth floor of the OSU Library.
Accession 2011:085 consists of prints documenting OSU Special Collections staff members presiding over the opening of Linus Pauling's personal safe in the OSU Library. Featured in the images are Cliff Mead, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Sean Goodlett and Pauling biographer Thomas Hager.
Accession 2014:043 is made up of photographs generated and collected by the OSU Library that depict interior/exterior views of the library, computer labs at two community colleges (Warm Springs and PCC Capitol Center), Library Director Mel George in Bangladesh, and portrait shots of Library faculty and staff. Numbering 142 images in total (31 prints and 111 slides), this transfer includes the slide presentation: "Cooperative Extension Roles and Relationships For a New Era." Among those featured in these images include: Anne Fox, Bonnie Avery, Mel George, Doris Tilles, Michael Spalti, and Thelma Evans.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
More Extent Information: Approximately 1,840 prints, 1,780 negatives and 1,340 slides; 9 document boxes, 4 oversize boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation: Library Photograph Collection (P 083), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed and a complete finding aid is not available at this time.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014.
Oregon State University. Valley Library
University History
Born digital.
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