Title: Academic Affairs Records, 1942-2012
ID: RG 022
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Academic Affairs
Extent: 57.86 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Accession 1992:017 includes records of a conversation regarding semester vs. quarter curriculum conversion including correspondence, curriculum proposals, and drafts of text for course catalog.
Accession 1993:017 includes sabbatical leave reports submitted by faculty to the Provost and a policy statement on the required submission of such reports.
Accession 1993:019 includes records documenting the curriculum coordination, accreditation, and strategic planning functions of the Office of Academic Affairs. The materials include curriculum proposals, Curriculum Council records, curriculum policies and procedures, subject and reference files pertaining to academic departments, programs, topics and issues. The accession also includes community college relations and transfer curriculum records and reviews of other institutions' curriculum proposals.
Accession 1993:097 includes awards records documenting the selection of faculty for the Dar Reese Excellence in Advising Award, the Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award, and the L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Awards. They include eligibility terms and selection criteria; award history and information on funding sources; award notifications; summary lists of winners; biographies of winners; clippings, press releases, and other publicity; and related documentation and correspondence.
Accession 1994:080 includes Category I curriculum proposals and related documentation and correspondence including follow-up reviews for the following degrees: Health and Safety Administration (MS); Home Economics (MS); and Plant Physiology (MS/PhD).
Accession 1995:047 includes curriculum proposals and related documentation and correspondence and the chronological file for the Curriculum Council.
Accession 1995:076 includes Category I curriculum proposals; related documentation and correspondence; and follow-up reviews for the following degrees: Applied Economics (MA/MS and PhD); Science and Technology Communications (MA/MS); and Veterinary Comparative Medicine (PhD). The accession also includes a subject/reference file for Veterinary Medicine with proposals, meeting minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and related documentation pertaining to the establishment of a DVM degree program.
Accession 1996:042 includes curriculum proposals and related documentation and correspondence.
Accession 1997:001 includes Curriculum Council minutes; Baccalaureate Core Curriculum Committee minutes; promotion and tenure guidelines and dossier guidelines for 1997-98; and correspondence pertaining to student enrollment.
Accession 1997:062 includes two major components: 1) curriculum proposals and related documentation and correspondence, and 2) other undergraduate academic program records. The curriculum proposals include Category II, Temporary X, BCC, and WIC proposals for 1995-1996 and several Category I proposals that were approved 1989-1990. The undergraduate academic program records include materials pertaining to curriculum and academic issues, the Horner Museum, long range planning and accreditation, OSSHE Strategic planning, community colleges, and various computing committees and user groups including the University Computing Steering Committee.
Accession 1998:001 includes minutes of the Curriculum Council and the Baccalaureate Core Committee and correspondence to the OSU community from the Office of Academic Affairs.
Accession 1998:012 includes Undergraduate Academics Program records pertaining to enrollment and distribution of access funds.
Accession 1998:084 includes records pertaining to curriculum and strategic planning. The curriculum records include subject files; Category I and Category II proposals and related documentation; and files pertaining to off-campus degree programs. The strategic planning records pertain to long-range planning conducted in 1986.
Accession 1998:095 includes records pertaining to various programs administered by Academic Affairs including the Family Employment Program, the Professional and Managerial Internship in State Employment (PROMISE), and faculty award and grant programs.
Accession 1999:001 includes correspondence to the OSU community from the Provost; an OSU organizational chart; and meeting minutes of the Curriculum Council and the Baccalaureate Core Committee.
Accession 1999:035 includes curriculum records pertaining to the OSU/WOSC School of Education fifth-year professional school teacher education program. Materials include curriculum proposals; Oregon State Board of Higher Education minutes and reports; correspondence; and related documentation.
Accession 1999:068 includes Category I proposals, follow-up reviews, and related documentation and correspondence for the following degrees: Apparel, Interiors, Housing, and Merchandising (MS, MA, Ph.D); Environmental Sciences (BS); Natural Resources (BS); renaming of the MS/Ph.D. in Health to MS/Ph.D. in Public Health; and the Oregon Master of Public Health (MPH) degree.
Accession 1999:109 includes records of the Accreditation Steering Committee (1988-1989); an Institutional Capabilities Assessment (1986); and a Report of the Committee on External Environment Assessment (1986).
Accession 1999:118 includes scholarship award notification letters for the Minority Achievement Award.
Accession 1999:122 includes the follow-up review of the Master's of Public Health academic program, which is a joint degree program with Portland State University and Oregon Health Sciences University.
Accession 2000:001 includes correspondence and memoranada to the OSU community from the Provost, Vice Provost's memoranda, minutes from the Curriculum Council and the University Baccalaureate Core Committee, and organizational charts for January and September 2000.
Accession 2000:016 includes one folder of draft reports, correspondence, meeting minutes, and memoranda pertaining to pre-proposals for new academic program and planning guidelines for such programs.
Accession 2000:032 includes proposal reports, correspondence, meeting minutes, memoranda, and curriculum vitae pertaining to the proposed establishment of three academic programs and their five-year follow-up reviews. These proposed programs consist of a Master of Arts in English, a Certificate in Applied Ethics, and a Doctorate in Pharmacology.
Accession 2000:046 consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and reports pertaining to curriculum and strategic planning. Materials relating to curriculum development and assessment include: a Category I Proposal (Masters of Software Engineering), reports on courses not taught in three years (1993-4, 1996), and information on crosslisted courses. The strategic planning records pertain primarily to a survey (Graduate Degree Recipients Survey) and projects (such as the PASS Project: Proficiency-based Admission Standards System) generated by organizations and committees including the Academic Affairs Council, the Commuter Committee, Inter-institutional Assessment Council, Transition Group, and the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Also included in this accession are records pertaining to the UEC Retention Workgroup, Enrollment Management Review, and Oregon Education Reform (PASS Project).
Accession 2000:050 includes scholarship and notification letters for the Undergraduate Scholars Program.
Accession 2000:113 includes materials relating to the long-range planning process for the University including draft and revised versions of long-range plans, planning reports from other universities, minutes and memoranda from the President's Long-Range Planning Commission, PASS (Proficiency-based Admission Standards Systems) reports, and planning assessment reports. Also included in this accession are minutes and reports of meetings dating from 1978 to 1998 from the Faculty Senate. Totaling about 0.40 cubic foot, these materials were weeded for duplicates and transferred to RG 44.
Accession 2001:001 includes memoranda and correspondence to the OSU community from the Provost regarding the university administrative redesign efforts, the 2001-2003 budget, and procedures for clearing Spring degree candidates. Also included in this accession are minutes from the University Baccalaureate Core Committee and an organizational chart for September 2001.
Accession 2001:019 includes various reports and program reviews generated for the accreditation process and for general administrative informational purposes. Included in this accession are also reports created by the Oregon Work Force Quality Council and Association of Oregon Counties. There is also a category I proposal from the Office of Academic Affairs.
Accession 2001:025 includes minutes from Undergraduate Education Council meetings.
Accession 2001:040 includes an OSU Self-Study report and accompanying appendices. The report was prepared by the OSU Accreditation Steering Committee as a requirement for the April 2001 re-accreditation evaluation process for the Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.
Accession 2001:084 includes materials compiled for and generated in the accreditation process for the university in 1989-1990 by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. Among the items included in this accession are: long range plans, self-study reports, various blank applications and forms, general catalogs and other university publications, memoranda on policies and procedures, and brochures.
Accession 2001:121 includes materials generated by the Curriculum Council and includes correspondence, meeting minutes, memoranda, and Category I and II records. There are also records pertaining to the formulation of a calendar conversion handbook generated in anticipation of converting the OSU academic calendar to a semester system.
Accession 2002:001 includes meeting minutes from the Curriculum Council and the University Baccalaureate Core Committee as well as announcements e-mailed to various OSU staff and faculty. The subjects covered in these announcements pertain to the change of the name of OSU Distance and Continuing Education to OSU Extended Campus, participation on university committees, and an invitation to submit ideas for Interim Provost nominations.
Accession 2002:024 includes Category I records generated by the Office of Academic Affairs which document proposed department title changes, new degree programs, and the formation of new departments and research centers.
Accession 2002:091 includes an accreditation report on OSU prepared by the Commission on Colleges and Universities of the Northwest Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities. Included with this report is a summary of the conclusions outlined in the evaluation as well as suggestions for improvement.
Accession 2003:001 includes announcements to OSU faculty and staff and Curriculum Council meeting minutes. The announcements relate to the Academic Success Center and Center for Teaching, Learning, and Collaborative Research; nomination criteria for the OSU Distinguished Professor Award; procedures for clearing degree candidates, and the transfer of University Libraries as an administrative unit from Information Services to Academic Affairs.
Accession 2004:001 includes Curriculum Council meeting minutes and announcements emailed to OSU employees through various listservs. Among the topics addressed in these messages include: the OSU Strategic Plan, new id numbering system for OSU staff and students, transition from printed class schedules to web-based information, and the development of a performance evaluation form for professional faculty.
Accession 2004:099 includes instructional materials used by the Writing Center and includes course workbooks, sample tests, use guidelines, and cassette sound recordings (twenty-four in all). The workbooks and cassettes correspond to two self-study instructional programs: English Modular Mini-Course and the Mechanics of Spelling Mini-Course. The sample tests include both blanks and examples of student work.
Accession 2005:001 includes announcements e-mailed through various listservs to OSU faculty/staff by the Office of Academic Affairs. Among the topics addressed in these messages include: the Provost's Annual Campus Report (report included), a conversational meeting with President Ray for classified staff, accomodations for students called to active military duty, the Fixed-Term Faculty Task Force report (report included), and Category I Proposal approvals.
Accession 2006:001 includes messages e-mailed to the OSU community through various listservs by the Provost and Executive Vice President Sabah Randhawa and others in the Academic Affairs office. These announcements regard the following: new procedures for the review of administrative staff, category I proposals that have been approved, the university Diversity Action Plan, changes in student scheduling and registration, a conversational meeting with President Ray, and an update on strategic plan goals accomplished in the 2005-06 year.
Accession 2007:001 includes announcements e-mailed to OSU employees via various listservs by Academic Programs staff and the Provost and Executive Vice President. In addition to notices of approved Category I Proposals, these announcements pertain to Fall 2007 enrollment statistics, the BARNGA multicultural training exercise, implementation of the OSU Strategic Plan, and the development of the Office of University Outreach and Engagement.
Accession 2008:001 includes announcements e-mailed to faculty and staff through various listservs by Provost and Executive Vice President Sabah Randhawa and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and International Programs Becky Johnson. Among the topics covered in these announcements include: the 2007-2008 Annual Campus Report, the development of university business centers, recommendations from the Enrollment Planning Workgroup, OSU strategic planning, the approval of two Category I proposals, and a partnership with the INTO organization to boost recruitment of international students.
Accession 2009:001 includes announcements e-mailed to OSU faculty/staff through various listservs from Provost and Executive Vice President Sabah Randhawa and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Vice Provost for International Programs Becky Warner. Among the topics addressed in these messages include: budget reduction management, review of the baccalaureate core curriculum, Category I proposal approvals, the INTO-OSU Program, recommendations regarding the consolidation/elimination of degree programs, and the planning of future academic calendars to avoid the start of Fall term on the holy day of Yom Kippur. Also part of this transfer is a copy of the 2008-09 provost's annual campus report.
Accession 2010:001 includes announcements e-mailed to OSU faculty/staff through various listservs from Provost and Executive Vice President Sabah Randhawa and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and International Programs Becky Warner. Among the topics addressed in these messages include: a mandatory furlough program for unclassified staff in 2010, the OSU Women's Giving Circle grant program, college alignment re-organization, a faculty investment initiative, new faculty positions, baccalaureate core discussion sessions, and divisional alignment forums.
Accession 2011:001 includes announcements e-mailed to OSU staff and faculty through various listservs by Provost and Executive President Sabah Randhawa, Director of Academic Programs Gita Ramaswamy, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Rebecca Warner, and Associate Provost for Academic Success and Engagement Susie Brubaker-Cole. Among the topics addressed in these messages include: accreditation, "U-Engage" freshman transition/orientation courses, compensation increases for nonclassified employees, implementation of an online system for evaluation of teaching, and the creation of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences.
Accession 2012:025 includes self-study reports prepared by several OSU departments and colleges in response to accreditation reviews. Among the information included in these reports are: faculty/staff lists, curriculum vitae, course syllabi, and historical details about the college/department. The units represented in these reports include: the Animal Sciences Department, the Accounting Program, the History Department, the Chemistry Department, the Athletic Training Education Program, Nutrition and Food Management, the Rangeland Resources Program, Home Economics, the College of Forestry, and Business Administration. About half of this transfer is made up of documentation submitted to the Council for Standards in Human Service Education regarding a bachelor's degree in Human Development and Family Sciences with a specialization option in Human Services.
Accession 2013:049 consists of materials generated and collected by the Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation and is made up of category I proposals, certificates, correspondence, handbooks, meeting minutes, memoranda of understanding, newspaper clippings, notes, reports, and a VHS videotape. In addition to the formation of new degree programs, these records also reflect accreditation reviews, dual admission agreements with community colleges, interaction with other Oregon University System institutions, statewide level educational programs, and the review of courses for the baccalaureate core. The videotape pertains to the certificate of advanced mastery, an educational reform program created by the State of Oregon.
More Extent Information: 41 cubic foot boxes, 16 records boxes, and 8 document boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Related Materials: The Category I and II records in this collection may duplicate materials previously transferred to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
Preferred Citation: Academic Affairs Records (RG 022), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed and a complete finding aid is not available at this time.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014.
Oregon State University. Academic Affairs
Oregon State University. Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation
Oregon State University. Center for Writing and Learning
Oregon State University. Office of Budgets and Planning
Oregon State University. Undergraduate Academic Program
Oregon State University. University Advancement
Oregon State University. University Archives
Shafer, Lou
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Oregon State University. Academic Affairs
University History
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