By Tiah Edmunson-Morton
Title: Barley's Angels Records, 2010-2021
Predominant Dates: 2012-2020
ID: MSS BarleysAngels
Primary Creator: Barley's Angels
Extent: 1.5 gigabytes. More info below.
Arrangement: The Barley's Angels Records are arranged into 5 series: 1. Administrative, 2010-2020; 2. Events and Education 2010-2019; 3. Photographs 2011-2021; 4. Ephemera, circa 2014; 5. Barley's Angels Websites, 2019-2021.
Date Acquired: 01/11/2019
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Barley's Angels Records document chapter administration, marketing and promotion, financial and banking information, and events. This is primarily an electronic collection and consists of born-digital materials (.mp4 videos, photographs, documents, websites); however, club merchandise is also included.
The Barley’s Angels organization is a collection of individual chapters throughout the world that focuses on increasing craft beer appreciation for female consumers. It was originally founded in 2011 as the consumer education section of the Pink Boots Society organization.
Reference access to materials in Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 is available upon request.
The Barley's Angels Records document chapter administration, marketing and promotion, financial and banking information, and events. This is primarily an electronic collection and consists of born-digital materials (.mp4 videos, photographs, documents, websites); however, club merchandise is also included.
The administrative records include documents related to the formation and organization of new chapters, financial records and expenses documentation, incorporation and operational documents, and marketing and promotional items. Also included is the organization's website, as well as the website and blog for the Chicago chapter. Of note are records for the 2012 trademark dispute over the original Barley's Angels logo, which was determined to be too similar to the branding for the Charlie's Angels television show.
Since the organization focuses on educational events, there are textual materials and photographs related to fundraisers, conferences, event planning, and photographs of chapter-specific events. Of note are records of the 2012 and 2014 Women in Beer Conferences and photographs from the Barley's Angels Chicago and Oregon chapters. The majority of this collection is in electronic format; however, there are also three t-shirts with logos.
Reference access to materials in Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 is available upon request. Records related to the establishment and separation of the Barley's Angels from the Pink Boots Society are found in Series 5 of the Pink Boots Society Records.
The Barley’s Angels organization is a collection of individual chapters throughout the world that focuses on increasing craft beer appreciation for female consumers.
It was originally founded in 2011 as the consumer education section of the Pink Boots Society organization. The Pink Boots Society was inspired by a 2007 cross-country trip taken by Teri Fahrendorf and in 2008 was formalized as an international trade association of women beer professionals dedicated to furthering women's careers in fermentation industries through scholarships and support networks.
As the Pink Boots Society grew, its identity as a professional organization and the needs of its professional members excluded beer consumers. However, recognizing that an educated female consumer base was valuable in overcoming gender stereotypes about taste and preference, members were interested in a new branch of the organization to serve as an educational and social community for female beer enthusiasts.
In 2011, Teri Fahrendorf (founder of the Pink Boots Society) and Lisa Morrison (author, original director of Barley's Angels International, Pink Boots Society board member) led the effort to establish Barley’s Angels. On January 23rd, 2011, the first chapter of Barley’s Angels launched with a beer tasting at Rogue Ales Public House in Portland, Oregon, hosted by Megan Flynn, the publisher and editor of Beer West Magazine.
Other chapters followed, including the Chicago chapter, which was founded in September 2012. In 2012, the Pink Boots Society became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which allowed them to raise funds and expand their educational scholarships; however, when they were granted non-profit status, they were required to split operations from the Barley’s Angels, which supported for-profit businesses through its consumer education programs.
Christine Jump became the Director of the Barley's Angels when the organizations split; Jump was one of the original members of the Pink Boots Society. By 2016, there were 111 chapters in six countries including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Chapters continue to focus on expanding women's appreciation and understanding of craft beer through events with beer professionals, including cooking and pairing food with beer, purchasing strategies, and sensory analysis. These events also provide opportunities for publicans, brewers, and restaurateurs to increase patronage at their businesses.
More Extent Information: 1,004 files, including approximately 550 digital images, 7 digital video/audio files, .25 cubic feet (1 box)
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were donated to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center by Christine Jump, Lisa Morrison, and Zoe Barker Jacobs in 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Related Materials:
The Barley's Angels Records are complemented by the Pink Boots Society Records (MSS PinkBoots) and the Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives Oral History Collection (OH 35), which includes interviews with women in the industry, as well as other professionals, journalists, and community members. Resources to support research on women and brewing are listed on the "Women" tab of the Beer Research Guide.
The Brewing and Fermentation Collection (MSS BFRC) consists of materials collected by the OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center pertaining to the history, growth, and culture of the Pacific Northwest brewing industry, including regional hops and barley farming, commercial craft and home brewing, and craft cider and mead.
Further information regarding the values, logistics, and goals of the burgeoning regional brewing community can be found in organizational collections like the Heart of the Valley Homebrewers Records (MSS HOTV), McMenamins Brewery Collection (MSS McMenamins), and the Ninkasi Brewing Company Collection, 2012-2014 (MSS Ninkasi). The personal research collections of Fred Eckhardt (MSS Eckhardt), Pete Dunlop (MSS Dunlop), Denny Conn (MSS Conn), Fred Bowman (MSS Bowman), Abram Goldman-Armstrong (MSS GoldmanArmstrong), and Robert Daly (MSS Daly) contain additional information regarding beer culture.
Collections linked to Oregon State University research, as well as other manuscript collections are described on the Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives research guide. More information pertaining to the history of hop growing and brewing in Oregon can be found on the Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives website.
Preferred Citation: Barley's Angels Records (MSS BarleysAngels), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Barley's Angels
Barker Jacobs, Zoe
Jump, Christine F.
Morrison, Lisa M.
Beer industry--United States--History.
Hops and Brewing
Women--Oregon--Societies and clubs.
Women--Social conditions.
Women brewers--Oregon.
Born digital.
Digital audio formats.
Digital images.
Digital moving image formats.
Digital photographs.
The Barley's Angels website was crawled in April 2019 and November 2020 using Archive-It and is available online. This website documents the full scope of Barley's Angels activities, including membership information, chapter information, events, and merchandise shop. The captured and preserved websites are available online.
The Barley's Angels Chicago chapter website and blog was crawled in January 2021 using Archive-It; both have photographs and information about past chapter events.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.