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Educational Activities Committee Records, 1972-2015

By Roxanne Edgar and Elizabeth Nielsen

Collection Overview

Title: Educational Activities Committee Records, 1972-2015

Predominant Dates: 1997-2015

ID: RG 293

Primary Creator: Oregon State University.  Educational Activities Committee.

Extent: 7.0 cubic feet. More info below.

Arrangement: The Educational Activities Committee Records are arranged in 6 series: 1. Annual Binders, 1997-2014; 2. Budget Requests and Funding Records, 1994-2014; 3. Minutes and Agendas, 1999-2013; 4. Financial Guidelines, 1998-2014; 5. Summer Commission, 1996-2011; and 6. Subject Files, 1972-2015.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


The Educational Activities Committee Records document the process for requests and allocations of student fees at Oregon State University.  In addition to information about the administration of the funding process, the records document the programs and activities of many fee-funded units and organizations such as the Associated Students of OSU, Student Media, Music Department, University Theater, and a multitude of students clubs and organizations.

Born-digital materials in this collection are available for reference use upon patron request. Box-folder 5.14 has been digitized and is available upon request.

Scope and Content Notes

The Educational Activities Committee Records document the process for requests and allocations of student fees at Oregon State University.  In addition to information about the administration of the funding process, the records document the programs and activities of many fee-funded units and organizations such as the Associated Students of OSU, Student Media, Music Department, University Theater, and a multitude of students clubs and organizations.

The collection consists of materials generated by and for the Educational Activities Committee and include annual binders, budget requests and funding records, minutes and agendas, financial guidelines, the work of a Summer Commission convened in 2011, and reference materials.

The collection includes budget requests and justifications from student government (Associated Students of OSU - ASOSU); Student Media for the Barometer campus newspaper, Beaver yearbook, Prism literary magazine, KBVR-FM, and KBVR-TV.; the Music Department; and the University Theater.  Student organizations that are represented in the collection include the Black Student Union, Native American Student Association, OSU Mountain Club, Rainbow Continuum, International Students of OSU (ISOSU), and many other clubs and organizations.

Of special note in the collection are materials from the 1972 ASOSU Ad Hoc Committee on Activity Grants, the 1996 Oregon Student Lobby publication of “Student Control of Student Fees: An analysis of the history, current status and suggested reforms of Oregon laws pertaining to student fees”, and the annual Financial Guides for Educational Activities Student Organizations.

The records include a few born digital files; all are for 1999-2000, which may reflect an effort to have requests submitted to the Committee in electronic form. These materials are available for reference use upon patron request.

Biographical / Historical Notes

The Educational Activities Committee grew out of an Activity Grants program that was conceived in 1968 to encourage student leadership and involvement in student activities.  In 1972, an ad hoc committee evaluated the effectiveness of the program and provided suggestions for changes and improvements which ultimately gave rise to the Educational Activities Committee.

By the 1990s, the Educational Activities Committee was well established as the funding mechanism for distribution of  student fees. The major student and university organizations funded by the Educational Activities Committee included: student government (Associated Students of Oregon State University); International Students of Oregon State University (ISOSU), student media, the Music Department, musical groups and organizations, University Theatre, student clubs and organizations, minority student organizations, honorary societies, and Legal Advising.

By the 2015-2016 year, allocation of student fees became the responsibility of the Student Fees Committee, which assumed the responsibilities that had been previously held by the Student Incidental Fees Committee and the Educational Activities Committee.

Author: Roxanne Edgar and Elizabeth Nielsen

Administrative Information

More Extent Information: 7 boxes; 1.6 Mbytes and 44 files

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: These records were transferred from Student Leadership and Involvement to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center in 2017.

Related Materials: Additional materials in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center documenting the  funding of student activities and organizations are available in  Student Incidental Fees Committee Records (RG 258); Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) Records (RG 011)Student Club and Organization Records (RG 276); International Students of Oregon State University (ISOSU) Records (RG 247); and Student Leadership and Involvement Records (RG 232).

Preferred Citation: Educational Activities Committee Records (RG 293), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Processing Information: Born-digital materials received with the transfer consisted of 1 CD and 22 3.5 inch floppies that resulted in 69 files (106 Mbytes) with technical accessioning.  After appraisal and arrangement, the born-digital records comprise 44 files (1.6 Mbytes).


Oregon State University.  Educational Activities Committee.

People, Places, and Topics

Oregon State University--Finance.
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University--Tuition.
Oregon State University. Educational Activities Committee.
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
Student government--Oregon--Corvallis.
University History

Forms of Material

Born digital.

Box and Folder Listing