By Karl McCreary
Title: Student Leadership and Involvement Records, 1964-2015
Predominant Dates: 1993-2006
ID: RG 232
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Student Leadership and Involvement
Extent: 11.0 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The Student Leadership and Involvement Records consists of 21 series: 1. Correspondence, 1964-2012; 2. Staff Meetings, 1996-2006; 3. Committees, 1978-2010; 4. Reports, 1993-2006; 5. Handbooks, 1993-2012; 6. Publications, 1992-2004; 7. Certificates, 1992-2004; 8. Staff Lists and Organizational Charts, 1996-2006; 9. Event Files, 1988-2015; 10. Student Organization Development, 1987-2007; 11. Greek Life Office, 1975-2006; 12. Diversity Development Office, 1995-2006; 13. Leadership Development, 1993-2004; 14. Women's Development, 1998-2004; 15. Subject Files, 1981-2004; 16. Photographs, 1996-2004; 17. Photograph Album, 1994-1996; 18. Scrapbooks, 1996-2007; 19. Sound Recording, 1975; 20. Moving Images, 1996-2000; and 21. Student Conduct Files, 1996-2005.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) Records document the administration of this organization and its predecessor, the Student Activities Center. These materials, generated and assembled by SLI, reflect its role of providing support services to student organizations through leadership training programs, event planning assistance, financial advising, and management of the annual registration process. The administrative role that SLI occupies was first established in 1957 as the Student Activities Center as a part of the Memorial Union.
Access to Student Activities Committee Student Conduct Files in Series 21 is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
The contents of Box-folder 7.43 have been digitized and are available upon request.
The Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) records document the administration of this organization and its predecessor, the Student Activities Center. The records consists of materials generated and assembled by SLI and include: annual reports, budgetary records, certificates, correspondence, digital files, handbooks, lists of student organizations, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, posters, scrapbooks, sound recordings, and VHS videotapes.
Administrative activities reflected in these records include annual/quarterly reporting, the coordination of training workshops, public event organization, administration of the student organization registration process, committee involvement, clarification of policies/procedures, space assessment, and budgetary management.
Materials generated by the offices administered by SLI: the Greek Life Office, the Diversity Development Office, Student Organization Development, the Women's Development Office, and the Leadership Development Office are described in separate series. They primarily document interaction between SLI staff and various student organizations, the OSU Cultural Centers, and the Associated Students of OSU. The main subjects addressed in these series are event planning and leadership training tools such as the Student Development Transcript program.
Born digital materials in this collection are in a variety of formats: Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, Excel files, and .swf files. Reference access to these materials is available upon request.
The contents of Box-folder 7.43 have been digitized and are available upon request.
The origins of SLI are rooted in the formation of the Memorial Union Activity Center, an office established in 1957 to manage student organizations and clubs with event planning, annual registration, and recordkeeping. Housed in the Memorial Union building, the Activity Center served as the primary information hub for all campus organizations and activity groups seeking to put on public events. Part of this role included the planning of the large annual campus wide events known as the "4 weekends" (Mother's Weekend; Dad's Weekend, Homecoming Weekend, and Senior Preview). The center also served as the operating base for the Associated Students of OSU and the Memorial Union Program Council. In the late 1970s, the Center moved to Snell Hall and become known as the Student Activities Center.
A restructuring of the Student Activity Center in 1997 resulted in a new name: the Office of Student Involvement and an expansion of its administrative scope to include the management of six new "functional areas." Two of these areas, the Office of Diversity Development and the Office of Greek Life, were established to serve in an advisory capacity to the OSU cultural centers and the sorority and fraternity community at OSU, respectively. The Office of Women’s Development, managed by the coordinator of the Women’s Center, represented another unit for the newly created Office of Student Involvement. The three other areas were Information Referral, Student Organization Development, and Leadership Development. These offices were charged with managing daily administrative tasks and instructional programs, including event registration, information desk staffing, organization of leadership training workshops and classes, financial support, meal planning support for cultural events, publication development, general advising assistance to student organizations, and participation in the Student Activities Committee.
Around 2009, the Office of Student Involvement changed its name to the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement. The office moved from Snell Hall to the Student Experience Center upon the building’s completion in 2015.
Accruals: Additions to the collection are expected.
More Extent Information: 194 photographs; 4 VHS videotapes; 8 sound recordings; 14 boxes, including 2 oversize. 653 Mbytes and 327 files.
Statement on Access: Access to Student Activities Committee Student Conduct Files in Series 21 is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. All other materials in this collection are open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were transferred to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center between 2006 and 2017.
Related Materials:
Other collections reflecting the work of SLI and the Student Activities Center include the Associated Students of OSU Records (RG 011), the International Students of OSU Records (RG 247), the Memorial Union Records (RG 099), the Memorial Union Program Council Records (RG 275), the OSU Memorabilia Collection, the Pride Center Records (RG 236), the Student Incidental Fees Committee Records (RG 252), the Dean of Students Office Records (RG 285), and the Student Experience Center Records (RG 282). Documentation generated by the departments administered by SLI can also be found are in their own discreet collections: Diversity Development Office Records (RG 228), the Women's Center Records (RG 243), and the Greek Life Office Records (RG 223).
Portrait shots of SLI staff such as Yvonne Sebastian and Jean Duffy can be found in the Media Services Photograph Collection (P 119)
Further documentation of the student organizations administered by SLI can be found in the Student Club and Organization Records (RG 276)
Preferred Citation: Student Leadership and Involvement Records (RG 232), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Finding Aid Revision History: This guide is an update of a previous preliminary guide (from 2007) reflecting new additions to the collection and full processing.
Oregon State University. Student Leadership and Involvement
Associated Students of Oregon State University.
College student government--Oregon--Corvallis.
College students--Religious life--Oregon--Corvallis.
Gay college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Greek letter societies--Oregon--Corvallis.
Lesbian college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Minority college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Oregon State University. Diversity Development Office
Oregon State University. Office of Greek Life
Oregon State University. Women's Center
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
University History
Women--Education (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.
Born digital.
Digital photographs.
Photograph albums.
Photographic prints.
Sound recordings.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)