By Tiah Edmunson-Morton
Title: Master Brewers Association of the Americas District Northwest Records, 1935-2017
Predominant Dates: 1984-2016
Primary Creator: Master Brewers Association of the Americas. District Northwest.
Extent: 1.4 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The MBAA Northwest District records are arranged into five series: 1. Publications, 1987-2012; 2. Meeting Materials and Presentations, 1984-2016; 3. Photographs, 1935-2008; 4. Governance documents, 2012-2017; and 5. Member Awards, 2010-2016.
Date Acquired: 00/00/2017
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Northwest District of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) was established in 1935, with events to provide continuing education, technical information, and social opportunities. The chapter currently has two meetings in the fall and the spring, with field trips, conference presentations, and educational workshops.
This collection contains publications, event materials, photographs, and governance records for the Northwest District.
This collection contains digital folders and electronic files describes in Series 1-4. These files are available upon request.
The Master Brewers Association of the Americas Northwest District collection contains publications, event materials, photographs, and governance records for the Northwest District.
Included in Series 1 are articles and notes collected and annotated by MBAA members (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, American Society of Brewing Chemists Newsletter, Journal of the Institute of Brewing) that reflect their interests and their work. Also included in this series are white papers written by brewing consultant David Kapral.
Series 2 is comprised of publications and presentation materials for various international and local professional conferences; of special note are the meeting materials for the district meetings, and audio files from the 2016 meeting. Series 3, Photographs, includes a photograph album with article clippings and pictures from MBAA events and conventions in 1935 and in the mid 1950s, and digital pictures taken at the 2008 spring meeting in Hood River.
Governance documents from 2012 to 2017 comprise Series 4.
This collection contains digital folders and electronic files describes in Series 1-4. These files are available upon request.
The Northwest District of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) was established in 1935, with events to provide continuing education, technical information, and social opportunities. The chapter currently has two meetings in the fall and the spring, with field trips, conference presentations, and educational workshops.
In 1935, twelve Master Brewers in Seattle established their own association and petitioned the MBAA for affiliation; their petition was granted December 6, 1935, and the district was named "District Northwestern." The original geographic area of the district included Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia. Over time, the growth of breweries in Canada led to the creation of a separate Canadian district affiliation.
During World War II, the MBAA conferences were limited to active members, and discussions were confined to wartime production issues. At the second wartime conference held in Cincinnati, the Western Provinces of Canada were granted their own charter as MBAA's District Western Canada. As a result, the geographical boundaries of District Northwestern were reduced to include just the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. In 1962, there were seven breweries in the district, with 52 active members, 12 associate members, and 69 allied members. The district held two meetings annually and hosted the "Fall Round-Up," which featured technical presentations. By 1987, the number of member breweries had decreased to four, with 37 active members, 10 associate members, and 37 allied members.
In 2017, the district was known as "District Northwest;" it is one of the largest in terms of geographic boundaries, and includes some of the most recognized breweries in the country. Because of its location, the district's brewing culture also involves hop breeding, development, and production.
The Master Brewers Association of the Americas was founded in 1887 as a professional support and educational organization with a mission to promote, advance, and improve the interest and skills of brewers and brewhouse staff. The non-profit organization has members throughout the world, with 25 different districts to support members at a regional level.
More Extent Information: 50 photographs; 2 boxes, including 1 oversize; 578.8 MB (147 files)
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were donated to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center by Ralph Olson and David Kapral in 2017. Additional materials were downloaded from the MBAA Northwest District website with permission of Linda M. Schmitt.
Related Materials:
The Master Brewers Association of the Americas, Northwest District Records are complemented by several other collections. The collection of Hops Specialist Godfrey R. Hoerner has photographs from the 1937, 1939, and 1940 national MBAA meetings. Also of note are the monthly Oregon State College Extension Service Hop Press Newsletters (1948-1955), written by Hoerner; they contain information about the MBAA activities, publications, and news. The Olympia Brewing Company Library Collection includes issues of the MBAA Quarterly publication for the years 1964 through 2007 (though latter years have missing issues). Issues of the MBAA Technically Quarterly from 2004-2008 have been added to the Brewing and Fermentation Research Collection.
The Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives Oral History Collection (OH 35) includes interviews from industry professionals, journalists and community members. There are several interviews with people related to the MBAA, including Dr. Thomas Shellhammer and Karl Ockert.
The national organizational records for the Master Brewers of Association of the Americas (MS 675) are housed at the Iowa State University Special Collections and University Archives. Washington State University's Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections department has issues of the "Brewer & Dispenser (HD9397.U5 B69)," the MBAA NW chapter newsletter that was produced from 1933 to 1956. Digital copies of the Brewer & Dispenser have been added to the Brewing and Fermentation Research Collection.
Additional materials related Oregon State University research and manuscript collections are detailed on the Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives library research guide. More information pertaining to the history of hop growing and brewing in Oregon can be found on the Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives website.
Preferred Citation: Master Brewers Association of the Americas, Northwest District Records (MSS MBAANW), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Master Brewers Association of the Americas. District Northwest.
Brewing industry--Oregon.
Hops and Brewing
Master Brewers Association of the Americas
Professional education.
Born digital.
Digital photographs.
Photograph albums.
Photographic prints.