Title: Carl E. Bond Papers, 1944-2000
ID: MSS Bond
Primary Creator: Bond, Carl E.
Extent: 3.0 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: These records are organized into six series: I. Research Projects; II. Correspondence; III. Research Notes; IV. Lectures and Seminars; V. Publications; and VI. Photographs.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Series I pertains to research projects and consists of annual and quarterly progress reports, correspondence, presentation notes, studies, research outlines and proposals, and surveys. The bulk of this series documents three projects funded by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station: a survey of fishes in Oregon (#32), aquatic weed control (#34, 773), and aquaculture development in farm ponds (#294). Unnumbered projects in this series pertain entirely to research of Oregon and California freshwater and ocean fishes, including the identification and survey of sculpin, tui chub, and sucker varieties.
The correspondence in series II relates to Bond's research activities, interaction between others involved in fish research, the Peace Corps in Asia and other international research projects in Latin America and Africa, involvement with state agencies in the study and protection of endangered Oregon fish species, Bond's post as Assistant Dean of the graduate school, and faculty fellowships with the National Science Foundation.
Series III includes notes, research data, and studies pertaining to farm pond and weed studies, stream pollution, Coho salmon, the effects of certain chemicals on fish, fish oxygen consumption, Peace Corps research projects, and fisheries in India. The notes, which are found both in field notebooks and loose in folders, include research data originally compiled by Oregon State Fisheries and Wildlife Professor Roland Dimick.
Series IV contains a slide show script, presentation outlines, and a workshop guide from seminars and lectures presented by Bond. Consisting primarily of article reprints and abstracts, the publications in series V document fish research by Bond and others. This series also includes two publications on Oregon fish, one of which was written by Bond.
The photographs primarily depict various freshwater and ocean fishes and were generated as a byproduct of Bond's research, featured in publications, or were received by Bond for the purposes of identification. Images of farm pond weed research that include shots of a classroom field trip are among the photographs.
More Extent Information: 3 cubic foot boxes and 2 document boxes
Related Materials: Other materials relating to fish research and fisheries include the E. E. Wilson Papers (MSS WilsonEE), the Roland Eugene Dimick Papers (MSS Dimick), the Oregon Wildlife Federation Scrapbooks (MSS ORWildlife), Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records (RG 190), and the Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025). Several of Bond's published works are available in the OSU Valley Library.
Preferred Citation: Carl E. Bond Papers (MSS Bond), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information:
We acknowledge that materials in SCARC collections and the language that describes them may be harmful. We are actively working to address our descriptive practices; for more information please see our SCARC Anti-Racist Actions Statement online.
SCARC describes the contents of its collections using the language and terminology of the collections themselves. Since culturally acceptable terminology shifts over time, some of the terms that appear in these materials are currently outdated or offensive.
Historically, "squaw" has been used as a misogynist and racist slur to disparage indigenous American women. Within this historic usage, it has been applied to place names, and scientific or colloquial names for plants. In this collection, the term "squaw" is used in reference to the colloquial name for the Ptychocheilus oregonesis. The common name of this fish has been changed to "Northern Pikeminnow".
In order to provide historical context and to enable standardized searching and access across our collecctions, we have retained the use of this phrase in the collection description. We acknowledge the racism represented by this language and the harm it may cause our users. Providing access to these historical materials does not endorse any attitidues or behavior depicted therein. For more information on impacted collections, see the blog post.
[Date of Acknowledgement: December 2023]
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before Decemeber 11, 2015.
Bond, Carl E.
Dimick, Roland Eugene (1900-)
Bond, Carl E.
Freshwater fishes--Oregon.
History of Science
Marine fishes--Oregon.
Natural Resources
Oregon State College. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State College. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Oregon State University. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Peace Corps (U.S.)
University History
Photographic prints.
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