Title: Sea Grant College Program Photographs, 1965-2000
ID: P 185
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Sea Grant College Program.
Extent: 5.9 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Sea Grant College Program Photographs consist of images of workshops, presentations and other activities related to the Sea Grant College and Marine Advisory Programs.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The collection includes images for a presentation produced by the Washington Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program titled, "A Time of Decision and A Question of Balance." Also included is an audiotape recording of the presentation, produced with the cooperation of OSU Sea Grant.
The collection also features photographs of the Walter G. Jones Fisheries Development Award ceremonies; seafood processing facilities; Marine Advisory Program Extension agents involved in research and community outreach; students engaged in research; staff meetings and workshops; the OSU Marine Science Center; Sea Grant Director Bill Wick being interviewed on television; and the research vessels "Cayuse" and "Yaquina."
Likewise included are prints from a Seatauqua workshop on coastal geology conducted by John Byrne from Sea Grant Extension and a slide show on the Sea Grant program, "Sea Grant Story," developed by Gwil Evans of the Extension Service Communication Department.
A number of the images taken for the Marine Advisory Program were featured in a draft copy of Sea Grant's 1970-1972 Biennial Report, a copy of which can be found in P 185.
An addition to the collection (Accession 2014:017) is made up of photographic images taken and collected by Sea Grant and Extension Service staff for use in publications, presentations, and documentation of programs. In addition to portrait shots of Sea Grant staff, these images depict hatchery operations, oyster farms, seabirds, fishing vessels, flooding in coastal towns, clamming, "Oyster Fest" community event, longline aquaculture, tours/workshops, and the OSU fish research laboratories.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
More Extent Information: 6 archives boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation: Sea Grant College Program Photographs (P 185), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information:
35 mm negatives for the images of the Marine Advisory Program have been placed with the photographs. Some of the images are numbered on the back and several contain captions that have been taped to the edge of the photo.
This collection is not fully processed and a complete finding aid is not available at this time.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before December 3, 2015. A container list for Accession 2014:017 is also available.
Oregon State University. Sea Grant College Program.
Oregon State University. Sea Grant College Program.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.